I'm in love with her

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"Cause I used to bully her" someone from behind say. I knew that voice so well. I turned around and saw Harry standing here and looking at the ground.

Harry P.O.V.

I looked at everyone, they were staring with wide eyes and mouth hanging down.

"You used to do what?" Liam whispered/screamed at me. Niall looked at me shocked, Louis smiled a bit and Destiny looked at me like I was crazy. I bet she didn't expect me to say truth to all. I wouldn't believe myself too. But, hey I want to be good guy now, so? I need to fix everything what I have done and tell everybody truth. However I need to do it, even if I will die. I looked at Liam and sighed.

"I bullied her at school. I turned all her friends from her. I made her life hell. For me she started another school. For me she had bruises. For me she had scars. For me her ex turned of her. For my faults, she didn't smiled. I made her be scared of me, I changed her, I broke her. And I know I can't turn back time, but if I could I would and fix everything I done to hurt her. I know it's not an excuse, but I really hope you would forgive me, Liam" I said and hopefully look at him. He had mixed emotions in his face. Hurt, anger, confusion and pity.

"You can't expect me to understand or forgive you Harry. I though you my friend, best mate. But I guess I didn't knew you, so well how I thought." Liam said and looked directly at my eyes.

"I know, and I regret everything" I looked at the ground, I felt tear roll my cheek. 

"It's my sister, my little sister, Harry. How could you? Better question, why?" he asked and I saw few tears in his eyes too.

"I asked him this one, too" Destiny said and I looked at her. She had concentrate look.

"I can't say you..." I said. Liam and Destiny gave me confused looks but Louis looked at me with pity. I hate pity. I just can't say why I wanted to hate Destiny to her. It will look ridiculous. Like 'hey, I bullied you cause I was jealous you picked him instead of me'. No, I can't say like that. I will look like an idiot and Louis knows that.

"HOW YOU CAN'T TELL US?!" Liam yelled. He never yells at me. It's scary I must say.

"I just can't.." I said the same I said to Destiny. Maybe if Desty wouldn't be in this room now, I would tell Liam.

"Mate! Do you hear what you talking about?!" Niall screamed. I looked at him. Ok, it's now very scary. Niall yelling at ME? It's so unbelievable. But I deserve it.

"What's going on here?" Zayn asked as he entered kitchen. Niall gave him a look saying to shut up and sit down. Then they all looked at me again.

"What?" I asked confused. What now?

"What what?!" Liam yelled

"Tell us WHY now."

"Not in front of Destiny" I mumbled, but they heard me.

"Excuse me? Not in front of me? But I am the one, who should know why!" Destiny now screamed. I looked at Louis pleading for help.

"Destiny, calm down. Maybe you better go, sleep, we will talk to you later" Louis said to her and she glared at him.

"I ain't going anywhere! I wanna hear the answer!" She yelled. Zayn now was completely confused.

"Destiny, please" Niall said. She glared at him too.

"You too?" she spat at Niall. He looked guilty at her. She shook her head and looked at Liam.

"It's better if you go upstairs, Destiny. It's just for your happiness. I need to talk with Harry" Liam said and Destiny threw her hands in the air.

"I can't believe! I'm surrounded by idiots!" she screamed and ran downstairs to her room. Once she was gone, everyone looked at me. 

"Spill" Liam said and I sighed. I guess I have no way out now. I started telling everything. How we used to be friends, then she hooked up with Josh and my jealousy. I told all my feeling and minds. How Josh cheated on her, how I horrible treated her and how my feelings came back now. I told that I had her forgiveness and we good now.

"...That's why" I finished.

"I'm in love with her" I said and Liam looked shocked, so did Niall and Zayn. Louis just looked proudly at me. I think he's happy I told everything. I was happy too, I can now let it go and Destiny single now, soo...

"I forgive you" Liam said and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded. I jumped and hugged him very tight.

"Thank you, thank you" I said and he smiled at me. That's the Liam I know. Not angry and scary big brother of my future wife. Yeah, I said wife and what? :P

"But, if you ever, hear me? EVER hurt her, I will be the one ripping your head of your neck. Got it?" he asked and I fast nodded. He laughed and Louis with me too. I looked at Niall and Zayn.

"You better, be good or else..." Niall said and crossed his fingers through his neck. I smiled and looked at Zayn, waiting for his replay.

"Ok, don't hurt her and I will be happy" Zayn said and I hugged them all.

"Thank you it means a lot" I said to them. Louis smirked at me. I gave him confused look.

"Now everyone know you love her" he said and I felt my cheeks flushed bright red.

"He's blushing!" Zayn said and laughed.

"Shut up" I said and looked at the ground.

"Go get her" Liam said. I looked at him and smiled.

"I will" I said and went to upstairs. I knocked at the door and waited for her to open. I hope she will be mine soon.



Did you like it nah? :) Also it would be nice if you leaved me some comments of your opinnion and thoughts of what will happen next!



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