I'm crying, again

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"Destiny in three, two, one" I said and we heard Des screaming. I said she will know soon.

"Oh, boy" Zayn said. Yeah, definitely, oh boy.

I went in my room and fell in my bed. I was too tired.

"Getting comfy, don't we?" someone said. I screamed and jumped of the bed. I saw nothing else than Harry laying in my bed.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed.

"Don't you know? You are sharing room with me" he said with a playful grin on his face.

"No hell you going to live in my room!" I yelled at him.

"But I am. So stop yelling, bitch, and go to sleep" he said. I hate him. Tomorrow I'm going to have a serious talk with Liam.

I went to bathroom and changed in my pj's. It's red checked shorts, white loose sleeveless top and grey socks what come over my knees. I let my hair fall and went to the bed.

"You sleeping on the ground, Styles" I said and laid down on my soft bed.

"What you said, slut? I'm not going to sleep on the ground" he said and laid next to me on MY bed. Dickhead.

"You going out tomorrow" I said and turned lights off.

"Nope. Cause I like it here" he said and, I swear, I heard him smirking. "By the way, nice pj's, Payne" he said and put his arms on my waist.

"What the heck?! Get off your hands!" I yelled again.

"Shut up or I will hurt you" Harry said and put his hand on my mouth that I couldn't talk. He's too strong, It hurts.

"It's better. You're less ugly when you don't talk" he said and took off his hand. I sighed and shut my eyes closed. It's just a bad dream, nightmare. Now. I'll open my eyes and Harry won't be here. One. Two. Three. I opened my eyes and saw Harry laying naked on my bed. I screamed and then I felt something on my cheek. He slapped me. That motherfucker kid just slapped me! I touched my cheek with my hand. It hurts like hell. It will leave bruise and red mark. Great.

"I said shut up" he said and hugged me tighter. Ow. It's hurting me. My cheek. My waist. I need air. Or I will die.

"Ha-arry I-I n-need a-air, I-I c-can't b-breath" I cried. I felt tears on my cheeks. I'm crying. For Harry. Again.

"Good. Then shut up and sleep with me, NOW" he said and I sobbed. I felt my waist released. Good. I think I just had to sleep with him. I don't want to feel pain anymore. I'm too weak for him. I slowly fell asleep in deep sleep. I remember just Harry's hot breath on my neck and his soft hands on my waist.

I woke up and was about to sit up. But I couldn't. I tried again. Nothing. I saw arm around my waist. I followed arm, body and saw Harry sleeping calmly next to me. He was so peaceful and beautiful. His curls were messy and his body- No! Destiny! What are you talking about?? You hate him and he is your bully! Snap it out of your little ugly head! NOW!

I looked at him again. I took off his hands from my waist and slowly got up. I don't want to wake him up, because it would be a disaster. I went to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I looked at my reflection in a mirror.

"That's bad" I said to myself when I saw a bruise on my cheek. I knew Harry will leave a scar to me from that slap. It was so red. I put some blush and make-up that no one could see it. I was used to this kind of situations, because in my old school I got many slaps from him and beats. I learned to cover all bruises with make-up. I changed quickly in black skinny jeans with shinny belt, I put nude colored sweater [side picture]. I ran downstairs and saw Liam cooking breakfasts and Louis with Niall sitting and waiting for food. Typical boys. Back to main reason why I'm here. I ran to Liam and shot him my best death glare.

"You are in deep deep shit, Liam Payne!" I yelled at him. Liam was shocked at first and scared. "Why the hell Harry fucking Styles is in MY FUCKING ROOM!!??" I yelled in his face.

"No swearing, girl" Liam said angrily. I know he doesn't like swearing but he just got on my bad side now.

"I do whatever I want and talk like I want! You have no rights to send him in my room!" I yelled.

"Why do you care? Can you just guys go along, what would be the best for you and others else" Liam said. How could he say this?! Harry fucking bullied me! Oh, wait. He doesn't know it. Ugh.. I hate this situation!

"It's just... Ugh!... We can't! That's all! And I don't want Harry in my room, when I get back! Fix it and quickly!" I said and stormed out of the house. I walked fast by houses and people in street. Someone was happy, someone just hurried to works and meetings. Couples were kissing and holding hands. Others laughing and talking. People...

I walked to the familiar door and knocked. I hope she got up already.

HEEEEEEY, PEOPLE! HOW YA DOIN'??!! Haha, I'm kidding. I'm really sorry that I didn't update in ages, I was at my grandmother's house for a month and there were no internet connection, so yeaaaaah. Sworry! :)

So what do you think? Where Destiny went? What will happen with Harry?


byeeeee :)

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