Drunken minds

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"No funny business" Liam shouted.
"Liam! I'm not a little girl anymore. I know what to do" I said and rolled my eyes. I went up and started dressing.

After few hours we were ready and, I got to say, we looked pretty hot. I wore my blue cocktail dress, black heels and light make-up. I had diamond earrings and let my hair fall perfectly on my shoulders. They were a little curly. Li finished looking with that black dress and red heels. She got red simply earrings and her hair were in messy bun. And she had little mascara and red lipstick on.
"I got to say, we look hot" I said when we looked at the mirror.
"Girl, we are super hot!" Li said and we laughed. We went downstairs to the front door. I was about to open it when someone's voice interrupted me.
"Well, well, well. Who do we got here? It's our little bitch with a hot friend" Harry said and I turned around to face him.
"What you want, Styles?" I acted strong while inside I was scared like a little bunny...
"Don't talk to me like that, slut" Harry snapped.
"Hey, hey. Watch what you talking, idiot!" Li said to him. I love her, she's my savior.
"Do you know who I am?" Harry asked angrily.
"And do you know who I am?" Li said back.
"Hot girl, who got bad friend" Harry said. Ouch.
"That hot girl has name and she has a perfect friend. The one bad is you, so back off, we are going to party hard tonight!" Li said and shut door right in his face.
"Li! I love you, thank you, thank you" I said and hugged her.
"Just for you, love" she hugged me back. We pulled away and she smiled. "Now! To the party!!" Li screamed and I laughed. After 5 minutes Luke arrived.
"Hey, girls!" he waved and we sat in the car.
"Hi Luke" we said in unison.
"Wow, girls, you look hot!" he exclaimed.
"Yeah, yeah. Now go!" I said and we drove to Sarra. Sarra is red haired girl, she makes loudest parties and greatest! After about 15 minutes talking we were here! Finally.
We hopped out and headed to the party. There were so much people and music was so loud. I could smell alcohol in the air.
"Destiny! Liana! Luke!" we heard Sarra's voice.
"Hey" I said to her and we hugged.
"You came, I'm so happy!" Sarra said.
"Yeah, party without us, isn't a party" Luke said and we laughed.
"Go, have fun, love birds!" Sarra said and went somewhere else.
"Come on. To the dance floor!" Li yelled because music was too loud. We went to the dance floor and started dancing. It was so fun! And hot here! I felt someone's hands on my hips. I turned around to see cheeky Luke dancing with me.
"Hey there" Luke said and I chuckled.
"Hi" I said and we started dancing together. We were so close, too close...
"Wanna go for a drink?" he asked and I nodded.
We headed to the table with drinks. I saw Li with some boy dancing, dirty. Go girl!
"Here we go" Luke said and handed me one shot. We drank it.  I felt alcohol in my throat. Ugh... Tastes like... alcohol. :D
We talked about everything and had so much fun. He's so funny. We joked and drank about 6 shots. I felt so dizzy... Oh, I think I'm drunk! HAHA, Liam will kill me. I tried to stand up from the chair but failed. Luke caught me.
"Ups... I'm so clumsy" I giggled. He smiled at me. His face was inches from me. I looked at his eyes, then at his lips. They so pink and kissable, I wonder how they taste like?
"No, you aren't. You beautiful, Destiny" he said and leaned in. I did the same. In one second we're already kissing. Kiss was so good, even through I could taste alcohol, I felt sparks and passion. He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I let him in. Our tongues were playing for a little while. My arms were on his neck and his on my waist.
"Hm-hm" Someone cleared throat. Not-t.
We pulled away and saw Li grinning at us. I chuckled and Luke blushed. Oh, how sweet.
"We need to go, lovers" Li said and we nodded. Li wasn't drunk, so she drove us home. I got out of the car and Luke too. We headed to my house door and I turned to Luke.
"This is my stop. Goodnight, Luke" I said.
"Wait, no goodnight kiss?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. I pecked his lips but he got me closer, so we were in a little make-out session.
"Guys! I'm still here!" Li yelled and covered her eyes with hands. We laughed and Luke waved us.
He lives few blocks away. So he can go home on foot. Li is sleeping at my house tonight. We went in and we were welcomed by lights and Liam's yelling. Oh boy. Here we go. Nothing.
"Destiny Rose Payne!" Him calling me by full name, isn't a good start. "It's 3 freaking in the morning and you didn't answer your phone. Now you standing here drunk! What were you thinking about?!" Liam yelled at me. Oh, I put my head in my hands. It's hurting and I'm too tired for this shit now. I noticed all the boys standing behind Liam and looking at me in surprise.
"Talk to me Destiny!" Liam yelled. I swear my head is going to explore! I went to Liam and hugged him.  He stood here confused like the rests of boys.
"I love you too, brother" I said and went upstairs with Li to my room.
"It's not over! Little Payne!!" I heard Liam screaming. I fell on my bed and just fell asleep immediately.

A/N: please vote & comment! :) xx

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