Last Goodbye

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"Dear parents, friends and lovers. We are all here today to say our final goodbye to this beautiful girl. Destiny Payne. She was everything to some of us, she was life to others, she was best friends with everyone. Her smile meant everything to someone out there. But the God made his decision and took her to himself. She is in the better place, she is there and happy watching us all today. This day. Please, say all your final goodbye to this girl, who meant everything to us" Priest said.

It was Sunday. Beautiful Sunday morning in July.This is it. The beauty of this city is going out. All school, teachers, pupils, best friends, just friends and many other people stood here near her grave. It's sad, it didn't end happily to her. She didn't have kids. she didn't have husband, she didn't have her first job, but she had so much more. She had loving parent, best weird friend, 5 beautiful and caring boys, who would cheer her up. In all that she had that special boy. The boy who made her smile, they boy who loved her. The boys who was her death.

One by one, people went to her grave and put roses, said their goodbyes and cried. Boy with some girl came to her grave with tears in their eyes."I loved you, Destiny, we won't forget you. We are thankful for you. Thank you, you are the one who help us and you are the reason we are together." Boy said and wiped his tears.

"Thank you, Destiny. I know we met not long time ago, but I love you like a sister. Thank you, girl. Find your peace" the girl said and boy hugged her cause she was crying hard. They are couple, happy couple. Some could recognize them as Luke and Mellisa. You remember them? Destiny's ex-boyfriend and her good friend. They are happy. And I think they know that Destiny is happy for them too. She loved them both. People started to go away and there left just close ones.

Girl came to the grave. She was crying. She put rose at her grave and cried more."I love you, Di" she said and sobbed. Girl took some photo from her bag and looked at it. Tear slipped down at it and she wiped it with her thumb. It was a picture of her and Destiny at her 18th birthday. They both were hugging and smiling at the camera. Girl planted kiss on the photo and put it on the grave. She stood up and sobbed again.

"I won't forget you" she said and went away to the bench. She couldn't stop tears. She wanted her best friend back. She needed her. Some may recognize girl as Liana. Best Destiny's friend or you could even call them sisters.Woman and man came to the grave and just cried. They talked with girl in grave and just cried. Parents. Loving parents.

Next came boy with brown hair and caring eyes. He was her brother, the one who loved her so much it hurt. Soon boys joined him. Everyone. All 4 special boys with their girlfriends. They all cried cause they loved this girl so much. It wasn't fair God took her. It still isn't.Soon there was left just one boy in all cemetery. Everyone went to their things. They won't forget this girl, she was something more than just girl. She was everything. Their joy, their tears, their life safer.

One boy, just one boy had left. He came closer to the grave and fall on his knees. He was holding camomile. It was simple white flower but it looked beautiful. It was gorgeous. He knew this girl loved simple things and her favorite flower was camomile. Tears were pouring down boy's face. He was broken. He is in love. He loves this girl. He isn't ready to let her go. It's too hard for him. She is his everything.

"Destiny" he said and sob came from his mouth. He looked at the grave headline.  

'Loving daughter, sister,  friend and lover
Destiny Payne
1995 - 2013
'Always in my heart'

Destiny wanted this headline. It was her last words to her family before her death.

The boy crying here aloud was Harry. Harry was his name. He loved Destiny. He is hurt. He wants her back. Harry wants to hold her in his arms and just smell her hair and kiss her soft lips. But he can't. She's gone. And he can't believe it.

"DESTINY!" He screamed out and laid on the grave. It was love. Tear, pure love. Nothing could say over wise.

Year went by and boy every day came here. He always brought a camomile with himself, he always would talk with her. He always would kiss grave and say those 3 words. As year went boy learn to live without his girl, he met someone. It was beautiful brown haired girl with sweet smile. She was friendly and good at heart. She was beautiful and kind. She helped him to stand up, she helped him to stay strong. He learned how to love again. He started smiling. That's how he lived.

Now after 6 years he is married, he has beautiful girl and named her Darcy Destiny Styles. For his first girl. This girl in grave always had it's place in his heart. She never left his minds. But he wasn't so broken anymore. He was happy. They loved each other and had beautiful family. Boys always spend weekends with each other families. They would remember Destiny and smile just for her. She would want them to live happily. She is happy. She knows they are happy and that's what makes her happy. She found her peace.

Everything went on. People would come and talk with Destiny. She was loved by everyone and now still after 40 years her grave isn't abandoned. Kids of boys are coming here to, they know her story and love her with all their heart even if they don't know her, they haven't seen her, just from photos, but they love her. And now everything is perfect. No one is in pain anymore. Everyone are happy.Just beautiful camomile is laying there on her grave. Every year old man comes there and puts camomile. He kiss her grave and smile through tears. Like headline says 'Always in my heart'.



This was the end! :)

I wanted to say a big massive thank you to all of you who read this story, also I would like to thank you all for commenting and saying your opinion on my writing. I don't think this story was any near good, but oh well. I will try and learn to write more better and I really hope my grammar mistakes will disappear in time :)

Thank you all again, I really enjoyed writing this story. I know it's not a happy ending...The title of the story says itself 'Happy Endings Doesn't Exist' . I wanted this story to end like this. It's ain't cheesy... Just we have so many stories with happy ending today and just few without it. I wanted to make one.

When my friend find out what she will die, she was like " wHAT?! You have to make her live! Like rise her from the death and make them live happy with a baby!" and I was like "No, I don't want this ending..." I may sound weird but I wanted this story to be realistic and I don't know if I did it. I really tried to cause some emotions to all of you.I hope it did. Or not :D

So, as I was saying. I am sorry for my grammar and if you didn't like the ending. But it's the way I like, the way I wanted.

Also I originally posted this story on and it got some attentionm so I decided to post this story here, on Wattpad. It did not get as many reads as it did on Quotev but that isn't the point. I just wanted to share this story in other site and find out if other people like it or not. I know this story needs a lot of editing and rereading and lord knows I know it. But this was my second story and I wrote it when I was around 14 years old and plus english isn't my native language.

I don't want to edit it out fully because that's how I wrote back then that's how my brain worked and how less I knew about writting. I want to be able to look back at this story in ten years and compare it to my other writing and see how much I chnaged, how much my writting improved. I know I will make mistakes still and I am okay with that.

I ended this story in 2013, so I will let it be like that. It originally ended in 2013 and that's how I want it to be. Leave some comments about your expectations and how do you feel about this story, it's idea and ending :)

This story is holding a special place in my heart and I hope you liked reading it even through it has millions mistakes.

Another big thank you to all of you and be happy. Find your happy endings, Destiny may didn't find it, but you will. I know it.

Goodbye, lovers.


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