Last Night's Memories And Truth

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"Where were you?" he asked and smiled warmly.

"Stuff, needed to change my card to the single" I winked at him and went to the dance floor.

Destiny P.O.V.


"Ugh!" I groaned and stopped my clock. I looked at it and saw..

7.00. Damn it, school time.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around me. I was in my bed and someone was lying next to me. And his arms were around my waist, I looked better and saw curls popping from the bed. Harry. What on earth he's doing here? Oh, right, we are roommates. But how did I get here? And why I'm almost naked? It's so blurry and confusing. I don't remember anything... I remember that I talked with Luke and we good now and then I and Harry dancing and drinking.


Don't get me wrong, I like to have boyfriend, but Luke just wasn't for me. He's for Mellisa. I slowly pushed Harry's hand from me and got up. I reeled a bit. Oh, My head is hurting. I think I had too much last night. I went to bathroom and looked at the mirror. My hair were messy and my eyes puffy. I guess I'll definitely need makeup today. I took short shower and brushed my teeth. After that, I combed my hair and put them in ponytail. I put some mascara and eyes shadows. I also put some lips' stick on. I looked at the mirror one last time and headed back to my room.

I slowly closed door and went to the closet. I grabbed my heels and dress from the ground and looked at them down. How did they end up here? Then some memories from last nigh flashed back to me.


I danced with Harry and we laughed so hard. The suddenly we stopped and looked at each others eyes. He started to lean in and I did too. In seconds we were kissing. Harry's hands held me by the waist and mine was on his neck. Kiss was amazing. His lips are so soft and kissable. We pulled away out of breath. Our foreheads were touching. We smiled at each other and then started laughing so hard.

"You are so bad, Styles" I said and he grinned.

"Just for you, beautiful" Harry said and squeezed my butt. I giggled and ran my fingers through his chest. I looked at his perfect toned skin, his perfect jawline and then back to his lips. Harry noticed me looking at him and smiled.

"Wanna go out?" he asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Sure, why not" I said and then everything disappeared.


I shook my head and closed my eyes. I touched my lips with my free hand and smiled slightly at myself. I was best kiss. But what was next? Where we went? And how we backed here? I tried to remember something more but I couldn't. Ah, I hope I'll remember soon.

I put my dress to the laundry and my heels back to the shelf. I looked through my clothes and find something to wear today. It was blue short skirt with black belt, white top and blue converse. I put my ring and bracelet too. I looked cute, I think. I went near bed and shook Harry lightly. He groaned and turned to another side.

"Harry, wake up" I said and shook him again, but he again, being lazy, who he is, turned around. If you want to play this way, then ok. I grabbed blanket of him and through it on the ground.

"HARRY FUCKING STYLES, GET YOUR LAZY ASS OF THE BED!!!" I yelled and he jumped up and looked at me, like I was blue or something.

"What the hell?!" He screamed and stood up.

"You wouldn't get up. Go get ready for school" I said simply and smiled. I couldn't not to stare and his abs and perfect body of his. Harry noticed me staring and smirked at me.

"Like what you see?" He asked. I laughed at him and turned around.

"Maybe.. I will think about it" I flirted and went out of the room. Hey, I'm single now, I can flirt with others guys now. I shook my head at my thoughts and went downstairs. I saw Liam cooking and Louis, Niall sitting and waiting for breakfast. I sit next to Louis and smiled at him. He gave me small smile. I looked at Niall and saw him typing on his phone. Liana. He always texts her. Liam noticed me and looked at me with serious face. I gave him confused look.

"What?" I asked Liam's.

"You don't remember, do you?" he asked. Ok, now I'm definitely confused.

"Don't remember what?" I asked. Liam sighed.

"Our fight. I found out that you and Harry were sucking each others face off and not one time" He said sternly. WHAT?

"Wait, what do you mean?" I raised my eyebrows at him and stood up.

"You two got back home earlier yesterday. After a hour or so, we decided to go home too. We backed and guess what we see in the living room? Oh, it's you and Harry almost about to have sex" Liam said and my eyes widen.

"WHAT?!" I yelled in frustration. Why did we do that? OMFG. I can't believe I was so drunk that almost had sex with HARRY. Oh my... No comments. I slowly sat down and put my head in my hands.

"No,no,no,no. NO. It can't be truth, me and Harry doing.. what? Ew, no. Please, god, NO. I can't be so stupid, how did on earth I could be doing it with my ex-bully? I am-" I suddenly stopped blabbing and closed my eyes.

Shit, I'm so stupid. Why did I just told 'ex-bully'??!!

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Liam screamed. I'm so dead.

"N-nothing, I didn't say anything" I quickly said.

"Don't play dumb, Destiny. I wasn't born yesterday, why did you say Ex-bully?" Liam asked and obviously didn't buy it. I sighed and was now scared to death of Liam. I don't know what he will do to Harry if he find out everything. Now everyone eyes were on me.

"Cause I used to bully her" someone from behind say. I knew that voice so well. I turned around and saw Harry standing here and looking at the ground.


WELL DAMN. Looks like someone's in trouble...

What your thoughts my lovelies? Let me know of what you think will happen in the comments below.

Also, next update comming tomorrow!

Don't miss me too much!

I'm kidding, nobody misses me...

Anywaaaaayyy, byyyyeee! :)

P.S. Destiny's outfit on the side!

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