Guilt takes over

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"Bye" I said and she got out of my car. I waved her and drove away. Can't risk be seen. I know, what you will say, you so bad and jerk. I know cause I tell it myself everyday, but I guess for love you can do anything.

Destiny P.O.V.

"Girl, you should really get this one!" Liana said and pointed at another dress.

"Yeah, it's really cute!" Melly said too. I just sighed and nodded. I wasn't in the mood of shopping. Li looked at me and sighed. She put dress in the place and took my hands.

"Talk" she said. I gave her confused look. "I know something is bugging you, so tell me" she said simply. I looked at the ground and then up at her.

"ugh.. ok. I and Luke weren't so good these days, he's so busy always and mysterious. I just want to know, what's happening. And I just don't feel the same toward him. And that all Harry thing. I just don't know. It's all just spins around my head. I can't snap it out of my head" I said. Li nodded and Melly was... strange. She was nervous and looked... guilty. What's up with her today?

"I don't know whats for Luke, but for Harry thing. You both need to talk and sort it out. You can't act like nothing happened and it's too awkward for now, don't need more awkwardness now." Li said and I nodded. I smiled at her.
"Thank you" I said and she smiled.

"Your welcome, now come on. You totally need to buy this one" Li said and gave me dress. I laughed and nodded.

"Oh, ok. If you say so" I said and turned to Melly.

"Everything is ok? You seem off today" I said to her. She looked at me and shook her head.

"I'm fine. I guess I'm a little tired, that's all" she said and I nodded. She's keeping something from me. I need to find it out. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Ok, I'm going to buy this one" I said and went to pay.

Mellisa P.O.V.

I can't. It's to difficult for me. She's like my sister now, and I doing this... She is so sweet and caring. Always helps me. And I now feel like completely freak, doing this. How I even put myself in this mess? Oh, right. It's was my stupid feelings. Ahhh... It's depressing. Then Des went to pay and sighed. Liana looked at me, with a look. I looked at her confused.

"What?" I asked. She crossed her arms on her chest and looked at me with suspicious expression.

"I know you don't say something for us" she said and I gulped.

"Why would you think so?" I acted dump. Maybe she doesn't know anything.

"Oh, come on. Darling, you don't think you can fool me, do you?" she asked and I groaned.

"I'm not fooling you" I stated.

"Yeah, right.  Cause today I thought I saw some girl with brown curly hair kissing my best friends boyfriend. Maybe I'm just seeing thing or no? You didn't know anything about it?" she asked. Oh my... no, it can't be happening right now. I looked at her nervously, she raised her eyebrows.

"I-I.." I started.

"Oh, I'm done. Can we go now?" Destiny came back and asked us. Destiny, you my life saver. I smiled at her and nodded. Liana smirked at me and went with Des to the other shop. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

I shook my head and went to the girls. Its not going to be good.

Liana P.O.V.

OK, I can bet you don't understand a thing what's happening now. I'll light you up. Today in the morning, I was going to my best friend's house and suddenly I saw Luke's car. I went closer and saw him talking with ... Mellisa.

What can she be doing with him? I though they just catching up or something but what I saw next, shocked me. They kissed. No kidding, Luke kissed Mellisa and she kissed back. It was enough for me. I fast walked away that they couldn't see me. I can't believe that Mellisa would do such a horrible thing for Destiny.

I mean, Des particularly took her like sister and what Mellisa does back? Go snogging Des's boyfriend. Just great friend she is. I can't believe. What will Destiny say when she find out? It won't be good. I mean it.


HERE'S A NEW UPDATE, YALL! :) Merry Christmas, my folks. I hope you had a wonderful time with your family, friends. Also, may your New Year be all good and fun!

Anyways, what're your thoughts?

New update coming after New Years Eve, because I will be quite busy with my family. But maybe I will find some time to give you gift update ;) Who knows.

For now, till next time!


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