Trouble On Board

725 40 2

Date 5-2-17

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying this new story so far! This chapter is shorter than the others, but the next chapter is longer.

Word Count: 802


Chapter 2: Trouble On Board

Miss Maggie pulled the bus over to the side of the road. I didn't know where we were and all I saw were fields around us with a couple of trees. Miss Maggie walked past me to the back of the bus and started talking loudly.

I didn't understand what she was saying, but she pulled some of the kids, including Moose, off the bus from the back door. I was still kind of groggy from my nap but I was instantly alert when the air changed. It altered slightly and I looked around. The feeling was kind of familiar, yet I couldn't figure out why.

I didn't see anything wrong so I turned back to see what Moose was up to now. Just as I peeked my head around my seat Miss Maggie walked onto the bus again. I pulled back quickly and pretended to be asleep. If she saw me looking she didn't say anything, so I watched her walk back to her seat.

Moose and a couple other kids got back on the bus. Miss Maggie drove the bus back to the road and we kept going like nothing happened at all. I fell back asleep for a minute. I guess I was really tired from getting up early. I woke up again, checked my phone, and saw I had only been asleep for about 5 minutes.

It's no wonder I hadn't slept very long. The bus isn't exactly a smooth vehicle, so we feel every bump in the road. I'm more surprised that I slept at all. Hopefully we'll be there soon.

I looked up to see what had woken me up this time, but I saw nothing noticeable. The strange feel to the air was back and it still felt familiar, but I couldn't place it. My eyes roamed the whole bus, trying to figure it out, but there were no puzzle pieces for this mysterious puzzle.

My eyes finally fixated on the drivers' seat where Miss Maggie sat. She was looking straight ahead until Moose raised his voice at some kid I barely knew. Then Miss Maggie's eyes shifted slightly off the road to look in the mirror at Moose. My gaze stayed on her as time seemed to slow down suddenly.

Miss Maggie opened her mouth to say something but never got the chance. Miss Maggie gasped and jerked the wheel of the bus sideways, and the bus veered to the right. But there was nothing in the road. I saw what was about to happen a split second before everyone felt it, so I yelled out in my mind to Lucy to hold on tight, and make sure Jake was all right.

She simply said okay. Me and Lucy had never discussed our mind tricks with Jake, so I don't know if he has the abilities too. And I wouldn't want to freak him out by suddenly shouting in his mind. But I knew Lucy would warn Jake, and he would try to protect her. Sure enough, I saw her say something to Jake, then he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Maybe he felt the danger too. I don't think Lucy knew what would happen, but she looked prepared for anything.

We held on to the bus seats like our lives depended on it, which they did, while Miss Maggie fought for control over the wheel.  But the bus was too big to right itself in such a short amount of time, so we went right into the fields by the road. The bus rocked back and forth as we slid down the slight hill in the fields, jerking us around until we heard a squeal. Everyone was yelling and screaming except for me.

Then the bus hit something, making us fall to the side.My ears were ringing from all the screaming. Was that my voice I heard screaming or someone else's? Some girl my age flew toward me as the bus careened to the right. She hit me hard and in turn, I flew into the window. My whole body ached when I hit it against the window next to me, and the windows opposite us exploded.

The bus luckily remained upright though. That's when everything got darker until I could only see one thing, a man stepping through the broken door onto the bus. My vision faded and I had to fall back and close my eyes to keep away the pain in them. I mumbled in my head to Lucy, "I'll just take a quick nap." Then I surrendered myself to unconsciousness.

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