Last Wishes

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Date 6-3-17

Hey everyone! I've decided to put information that doesn't have to do with this story on my random book/diary/journal Wattpad book.

If you've liked my usual author's notes, then you should check out my story: Basically My Online Diary

Anyway, on to this chapter! And sorry if this chapter makes you emotional. It certainly upset me to write this, but I felt that it was apart of the story.

Word Count: 2645


Chapter 24: Last Wishes

I woke up with my head in Ash's lap. As I opened my eyes, Ash looked down at me. I temporarily forgot the craziness that happened with the fuzziness in my head. Ash asked me a question, but I didn't seem to understand what he had said. "What?" I asked Ash numbly. He patiently repeated his question.

"Are you okay Alicia?" I scrunched up my nose in confusion. "Why wouldn't I be?" Ash tipped his head up and laughed. He had a wonderful laugh. It was nice, unlike how he appeared to be when I first met him. My mind pushed the thought back, because I was in a happy place. No bad thoughts allowed.

Or at least I wish that's what really happened when I awoke. In reality, I woke up on the cold floor and had to force my eyes open. It was especially hard because I had a queasy feeling in my stomach. My wrists hurt from being held in the chains. And there was a strange feel to the air. I identified it before I got my eyes open. There were vampires in here. Ones that might cause me harm. The feeling that was in the air was the same one I felt on the bus, and in the woods with Ash. This couldn't be good. I decided to just face it. So I forced myself to sit up and look where I felt the vampires were. I was so stiff, I must've been out for a while.

I spotted the vampires where I felt my "special vamp feeling" the most. The feeling could be described like a metal detector. It went "beep beep" and there were the vamps. But instead of being excited because I found a lost treasure, I was shocked. Five vampires stood on the other side of the room. One of them was Ash, and another one was Zane. The third was Cubs. The other two I've met before. Their name tags said One and Two. From what I could remember, they were the meanest out of their group of five.

What had me concerned was Zane, who held a knife. It was silver, which if you remembered, is very lethal to a vampires. But only if it hits the bloodstream. Zane had one hand fisted in Ash's hair and the other holding the knife against Ash's neck. Just one flick of Zane's wrist would cut Ash's neck, and it would kill him agonizingly slowly. I had trained and studied for years, so I knew silver could kill vampires. Ash's head was tilted up, but he heard my sharp intake of air. Ash looked down at me, most likely trying to tell me something without making a sound.

I was so surprised I didn't breathe or say anything for a full minute. I held myself together enough to keep my face neutral, but my eyes probably gave me away. The color in my eyes had become a dull red, but now I felt them brighten again. "How nice to see you awake Alicia!" A hauntingly familiar voice spoke. It was a completely unwelcome voice to me. I dreaded it, but I had to look. How could he be here? Our plan was ruined! We couldn't escape now. The bad feeling in the air felt even worse now that I knew he was here.

I turned very slowly, taking a deep breath to steady myself. I need to keep my face neutral. No expressions at all. I did as I told myself. What I saw had me exhaling in relief. But still no expression on my face. There was another vampire I hadn't seen standing next to a cart. The vampire was named Five, and the cart had a projector on it. There was an image of a man on the wall next to me. Or more precisely, a vampire. His name was Storm. He looked exactly the same as when I was little and terrified. I smiled and decided to play Storm's game.

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