Inappropriate Laughter

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Date 5-16-17

Hey everyone! I'm sorry this chapter was late. I believe I'll be able to get back on schedule soon.

The gif above is Tyler Posey laughing obnoxiously because the title of this chapter is about laughter :P

When I typed this chapter it ended up really long. It just happened that way. So here it is!

Word Count: 3525


Chapter 11: Inappropriate Laughter

Since vampires have night vision I could easily see the building nestled into the trees. No, nestled isn't the right word. This looked like the kind of place picked for the secluded area, which had trees bulldozed to make room. It seemed like all the trees around the building kept their distance by leaning away with the wind.

The building itself looked like an abandoned factory with its grey exterior, boarded up windows, and blackened chimney. I wondered what happened inside the building. I think I'm about to find out. I adjusted Ash in my arms so he wouldn't slip out. He's the only reason I'm here now.

Well, I guess it's also because I decided to help him. But this is ultimately his fault. When Ash wakes up he will be in so much trouble. Speaking of which, Ash shifted in my arms. I think he's gaining consciousness. Not fast enough though. I don't think I can get through this alone.

Especially not if Storm is in that building. My fear was making a knot in my stomach. Luckily I wasn't human so I didn't have to breathe anymore. But I did feel like hyperventilating a little bit. I took a deep breath while walking forward. I knew if I slowed down, then Robin would push me. I didn't want to trip and make a bigger fool of myself. Plus I didn't want to drop Ash. It could hurt him, which would be stupid of me since I went to all that trouble to get him back.

Robin let go of my arm a while back, but he grabbed it again as he led me closer to the building. Robin's hand slid to my elbow to pull me along, so I had to concentrate hard to make sure I wouldn't drop Ash.  Robin had surprised me, but I managed to keep my hold on Ash. From the very beginning it had felt like I was carrying a pillow. Ash just wasn't heavy.

I could carry him easily because of my vampire strength, but it was getting harder. I had adjusted Ash more than once while being pushed along. His limp head bounced against my right shoulder as we walked. I had my right arm circling his waist, and the left arm under his knees. It was more than awkward.  But what was I suppose to do? Should I have thrown him over my shoulder? That would've been much weirder.

Anyway, we fell into a sort of formation. Zane in the front, Robin right behind him, me being pulled along, and Richie behind us. He had been quiet for a while, which made me wonder why. Did my telepathy really freak him out that bad? I was tired so I couldn't check his thoughts to see. I was trying to conserve my energy to use telepathy later. If I needed it for self defense or an escape attempt I had to be prepared.

We walked through the front door into a big room that was as grey as the outside. All around the room there were assorted couches, which were colorful compared to the walls. There was no wallpaper, just dusty red stone. The red matched Richie's hair, along with some of the people's hair in the room. I looked around carefully, seeing the people arranged on the couches. I didn't recognize anyone, which I expected.

All of their eyes followed me as I followed Zane. We almost got to the middle of the room before Zane stopped. The strangers all had red drinks in their hands. My nerves had covered it up, but I felt my special feeling then. I had unknowingly sensed the vampires before I saw them.

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