On Alert

561 22 3

Date 5-10-17

Ready for some excitement? That's what you're in for in this chapter :)

Up top is a blood filled water bottle, if you didn't get that XD

Word Count: 1567


Chapter 8: On Alert

I don't know how long I slept, but my spine ached from leaning against the wall. I stretched and yawned to wake myself up all the way. I tried to rub my eyes but one of my chains scratched my cheek. They were cold and I immediately pulled back.

That's when I realized I hadn't woken up for no reason. Someone was downstairs besides me. I was instantly on alert. The only person I could think that would be down here was Ash, so I looked around for him. My realization apparently wasn't fast enough because I suddenly felt the presence of someone standing beside me.

They grabbed my head and tipped it back, shoving something into my mouth. I struggled and tried to spit out whatever it was but only achieved in it being stuck farther into my mouth by my assailant. I heard liquid sloshing in a bottle then suddenly it was going down my throat.

The liquid was tangy and not as terrible as I expected. It actually tasted like an energy drink, but I didn't know what it was so I tried again to spit it out. The person beside me held my mouth closed until I finally swallowed.

As soon as I did the person let go of me and stepped quickly away so I couldn't attack. They didn't need to though because whatever they made me drink had every cell in my body asking for more. My throat burned for it. Trying to push that feeling away had me a little preoccupied. I felt energized and ready for a fight, again just like an energy drink.

I couldn't hold back when my tongue snaked out to get the last drop of mystery liquid off my lips. I turned and saw who was standing away from me. It was Ash, who looked very amused. I tried to pretend I didn't like the drink as I demanded, "Why did you make me drink that?"

Ash laughed and asked, "Didn't you like it?" I glared at him and waited for his response. Ash rolled his eyes but finally replied saying, "I knew if you saw what it was you wouldn't drink it." Ash's expression told me he had watched me lick my lips, which completely meant I loved the drink. I looked at his hand and saw a water bottle.

That must've been what was shoved in my mouth. I opened my mouth to ask why in the world I wouldn't drink it but I quickly realized why. The liquid was red, it made me feel powerful, and it made me want more. I just had my first taste of blood as a vampire, and I liked it.

I backed up as far away as I could from the red bottle. I hit the wall with nowhere to go, and I expected Ash to make me drink more. But Ash didn't move. He just smiled at me and said, "Break your chains." I looked at Ash like he was crazy. "I already tried!" I blurted out before I thought about what I was admitting.

I probably shouldn't have said that but it was too late. Ash just looked at me very seriously and said, "Try again." I looked down at my chains and gave it a try. I pulled on my chains with my new strength. They didn't budge. I glanced a questioning look at Ash but he just sighed.

"You have to try harder than that, Alicia." I pulled on my chains again, trying harder this time. I'm sure if I tried harder than this I'd pop a vein in my forehead. I heard a creaking sound and looked at the wall. It was cracking around where the chains were placed. I looked at Ash thinking he'd be satisfied by this, but he looked shocked.

Then he yelled, "Stop! Stop!" Ash screamed so loud that I listened and stopped pulling on my chains. "You were cracking my wall!" I looked incredulously at him. Ash just sighed and said, "You need to break it like this." Then he demonstrated by grabbing the chains right next to my wrists.

They snapped right off. It was like he didn't even try at all. Ash stepped back away from me again. "Don't get any bright ideas Alicia, because now that you've had blood, you won't be able to live without it. You're going to have to train with me now."

I tried to think about this logically but I was really mad at Ash for doing this to me. He saw I was about to start yelling so he started talking first. "I know you are mad right now, but you are already a vampire and you can't change that. The best thing for you is to stay with me and learn how to survive."

I knew Ash was right but I didn't have to like it. He saw the resignation in my face and opened the door. "After you." Ash said with a smile. I just mumbled, "You decide to be a gentlemen now? You're so freaking insane." Ash followed me upstairs and we emerged in a hallway near what appeared to be the front door.

If I pushed Ash back down the stairs I could probably make it out the door and run far away from here. The problem was, I didn't know where I was. At least I'd get away from crazy Ash. I turned to fulfill my plan but Ash gave me a knowing look and said, "The door is locked and I am faster than you since I am older."

I looked away and walked through a doorway. Ash watched me as I looked around the living room. I saw the armchair I assumed Ash was sitting in earlier, and there was a fireplace built into the wall in front of it. It looked like a regular living room to me. No spiderwebs or coffins in sight. Not that I thought there would be. The room even gave off a homey feeling.

There were two other chairs facing the adjacent wall, placed perfectly in front of a moderate sized flatscreen TV. The entire room was covered in fuzzy blue carpet. The TV was turned off. I could guess a few things about Ash just by looking around. No lights were on and the windows were open. Ash preferred natural light. He also probably liked being barefoot on the carpet, his toes sinking into it like sand on a beach.

While I was looking around Ash shoved the bottle into my hand. "Drink up." He said. "It's like veggies, it makes you grow up big and strong!" I glared at Ash but he just kept on smiling. Ash gestured around himself and said, "Make yourself at home Alicia, because you're gonna be here awhile."

Ash saw I wasn't going to sit down first so he sat in one of the chairs in front of the TV. I sat down on the edge of the other one, making sure I could jump up if Ash tried anything. Although he's the one who should be ready. I'm the one planning escape. But what would I do once I got away?

Ash just sat in the chair looking quite comfortable. I was tense and ready. Ash stared at me then abruptly stood and left the room. I was shocked he left me alone, and that he didn't even say where he was going. I relaxed a little in the chair and looked around again.

I could sit and wait for Ash, but I'm really tired. I don't want to fall asleep though, because that would put me at risk of an attack. It was unlikely Ash would attack, but still. I remembered about the bottle and looked down. The red liquid sloshed around when I turned it.

It didn't look too disgusting, but it was blood! I couldn't possibly drink it. Ash did say it would make me stronger though...I blinked and realized I had stopped thinking and just about fell asleep. Before I could think about what I was doing I brought the bottle to my mouth and tipped it back. It tasted just like I remembered, like an energy drink.

The whole bottle was almost gone when Ash walked back into the room. I jerked the bottle from my lips and pretended I hadn't just drank it. Ash rolled his eyes and said, "Come on! I know you like it and I absolutely know you need it. If you don't drink the rest I'll have to force feed you again."

I thought Ash was kidding but he looked serious to me. "Why do I need it? Won't it just help me escape?" Ash looked thoughtful for a second. "It most likely could, but unless you want to turn into a psychotic animal you need training first." I just sighed and quit arguing.

I had less than 24 hours, so the faster I get this "training" done the better. I could then go back to my normal life and live mostly normal...I hope. I gave Ash a determined look and said, "Let's do this."

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