Making a Friend

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Date 5-13-17

Hey everyone! Here's another chapter for TA! This is the second one of the day, making up for being late.

I think the picture for this chapter is hilarious! It's a telepathy joke XD

Word Count: 1819


Chapter 10: Making A Friend

Richie looked at me with a half awed/half scared expression. Then he said, "She's telepathic? How come no one told me that?" Zane sighed and said, "Because we all knew you would've been more reluctant to come today. Anyway, Robin switch me so I can keep an eye on Alicia." Robin tried to let go of me and grab Ash, but we reacted too fast. We got out of the way and started to fight.

I turned, punching Zane in the face and kicking Richie in the stomach. Richie fell backwards but Zane only stumbled. His eyes were getting brighter as he prepared to attack me. They really should've seen it coming though. No way did they think we would go quietly.

Metaphorically speaking, because we didn't make much noise while fighting. There was a certain calm I felt when my fists connected with flesh that wasn't there before. I was swift and efficient.

In the periphery of my vision I saw Ash push Robin down while trying to keep Richie on the ground. "I've got these two Alicia! You get Zane!" Ash looked regretfully away from me so he could fight. I think he was actually worried about me. I was distracted for only a second but it was enough time for Zane to throw me against a tree.

I knew Zane would attack before I could get up, so I kicked at Zane. I used the tree for balance as I stood up. I thought I would've at least managed to trip Zane but he dodged it. Zane pressed his whole body against mine to keep me from escaping and pinned my hands at my sides. I struggled, but between the tree at my back and Zane at my front I couldn't make any progress.

I stood on slightly higher ground than Zane, so he had to lift his chin slightly to look me in the eyes. I liked this small detail, because I preferred being taller than people. It's easier to stare down at them with a disapproving look that way.  It's more effective. But without that extra height, I realized Zane was basically the same height as me.

I held my breath as I searched for an escape route. There wasn't one yet. My head anxiously pounded so loud that I thought Zane could hear it. My mind rushed for a plan. Any plan really. Zane laughed and pushed my back harder into the tree so the bark dug painfully into my spine. Unfortunately, that brought us closer together. I could feel and smell his breath on my face.

That's how I knew he had fed recently. I also knew because of the dot of red on the collar of his shirt. Blood had a kind of fruity smell to me, but this blood smelled different. It was a few hours old. He'd probably been gaining strength to catch us. Zane would need a lot more strength to easily catch me. I wasn't ready to go back to Storm yet. I wouldn't ever be ready. Zane may have had a job to do, but I wanted to survive. That meant I would fight much harder.

"You were right." Zane said unexpectedly. He had a smile on his face that I didn't like. "Oh really? I didn't think I said you really are an idiot out loud." Zane's smile faded away quickly and he slid his hands onto my wrists. I couldn't help the cry that escaped my lips from Zane squeezing my wrist bones way too hard.

Zane smiled again but this one was even more evil looking than the last. I realized for the first time that he was devilishly handsome. It kind of went well with his stupid cunning smile. Zane ignored my comment and said, "You were right when you said we are taking you to Storm." I stayed silent in defiance but Zane just kept going on. "Storm had heard the rumor that you were turned. He told us to watch over you, and if it was possible, take you to him."

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