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Date 5-9-17

Hey everyone! My ranking is all over the place lately... it was #262 in Vampire this morning.

The picture above represents family :)

So here is the next chapter! I hope you like it

Word Count: 1191


Chapter 7: Underground

I woke up in what looked like a basement. I stood up to stretch my legs and look around. There were no windows, and only one plain door. I had a headache from Ash knocking me out. He had to have hit me hard to get me unconscious, so I'm lucky I only have a dull throbbing at the base of my skull.

I sensed the silver before I felt it on my wrists. I must be really out of it. I tried to pull my hands in front of me to see the chains, but they only went to my sides. There is no way I'm getting out of here soon. Unless I went through Ash's training.

I didn't even want to consider that option, but I just had to get home. If I don't, then my parents would freak out. Probably call the police too since they can't get ahold of me. Ash broke my phone. Only Lucy could talk to me, but how could she possibly explain telepathy to our parents? It would make her look insane.

I could smell Ash upstairs. He was right above me, and I heard the slight squeak of a chair as he stood up. Ash must be in the living room. He was moving farther away from me now. I think he had sensed my movement and was coming downstairs. Sure enough, I heard stairs creaking as Ash walked closer to me.

I walked as close to the door as I could, which wasn't very far. The room was long, so long that my chains would have to be twice as long as they were now for me to reach the door. Still then I'd probably have to touch it with my foot. I inwardly sighed, trying to figure out what to do. It was obvious I couldn't escape right now.

The only door into the room opened, and in walked Ash. His confident gait did not make him look as arrogant as I seemed to think he was. Ash was in different clothing, which didn't surprise me. I had ripped his shirt multiple times in our fights on the bus and upstairs. At least I assumed we were still in the same house/cabin as earlier.

I was wearing the same clothes as I was on the bus and in the bedroom. That was a relief, considering I couldn't change myself while I was unconscious. My clothes were torn and dirty though, and I wished I could take a shower. My jeans had holes now. The black hoodie had dark stains on it. Blood. At least it didn't make me nauseous.

I growled a warning when Ash took a step toward me, but he just kept coming. Ash got close to me, but not within my reach. He looked at me closely and asked, "Now do you want to train with me?" I didn't say anything. Ash just sighed and rubbed his face. "Do you at least want dinner?" I still didn't say anything. This time it was from disgust.

"I'm sorry Alicia, I had to do this so you wouldn't run away. I wasn't being all selfish either, you probably would've hurt your family." I finally gave in to my anger and yelled at Ash. "I can take care of myself and my family! I would never hurt them, ever!" Well, not physically. I couldn't believe Ash would accuse me of hurting people after what he did on the bus.

Ash looked at me sadly. "That's what they all say, Alicia." There was a sadness in his eyes that made me suddenly feel bad, but not enough to stop my anger. This bomb had finished ticking, and it is far past time to explode. "Just because some crazies like you can't control yourself, that doesn't mean I can't control myself!"

I guess I went too far because Ash's eyes turned from dark blue to red. He stepped so close I immediately forgot about attacking and sunk back against the wall. "You don't have any idea what you're talking about." Ash said in a deep, intimidating voice. "No one ever means to do it."

"If I let you go right now you'd go to your family, right?" I didn't say anything but that was all the answer he needed. "Of course you would! Maybe not immediately but eventually you would. And you'd think that you could control yourself!"

Dumbstruck, I opened my mouth to protest that yes, I could control myself. But Ash was talking again, and it didn't look like he'd stop anytime soon. Ash was getting louder and more bitter. I had a feeling this had happened to him before. In his own way I guess Ash was trying to stop me from doing what he did. To protect me.

"You would go crazy Alicia! It would be like someone taking over you, and it wouldn't be fun. It would be a bloodthirsty monster you couldn't stop! It would tear your precious family apart! And the sad thing is that this thing is you. You did this to your family." Ash's eyes were filled with grief.

Ash gripped my arm painfully then and pulled me closer to him. His fingers dug into my skin, and I gasped. But his words were what was hurting me, not the pain. "The worst part is when the monster doesn't stick around after the damage is done, and you realize exactly what it is you did. And just because the monster took over, that doesn't mean it wasn't you."

"The monster is now a part of you Alicia, and if you don't train it, it will help you kill everyone you have ever loved. All against your will." Ash was breathing heavily but he didn't look like he regretted saying that to me. Then Ash unexpectedly let go of my arms, causing me to slump to the ground.

Ash really had stunned me. Now Ash looked like he felt bad. Just when I thought he'd say sorry Ash instead said, "Think about that Alicia." Then Ash walked out of the room, locking the door behind him. Leaving me alone in his basement. I stood slumped against the wall, trying not to think about what Ash had said.

As soon as I heard Ash upstairs I tried getting out of my chains. Even though I am stronger now, I still can't get out. So I stood and paced, finally thinking about what Ash said. Of course I didn't want to hurt my family, but I could control myself. Right?

I just don't know anymore. This is too hard. I sat back down, shutting my eyes and steadying my breathing. I tried to think about something besides all the things Ash said, but it was too difficult. So I ended up not thinking at all. Instead I fell fast asleep.

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