Silver Weapons

388 22 3

Date 5-18-17

I felt that it was my job to put another chapter of this story on Wattpad today because chapter 13 ended in a weird spot.

Word Count: 1300


Chapter 14: Silver Weapons

Two of the men came forward and kicked me in the stomach. My breath rushed out of my mouth in a gasp. My body jerked from the pain but it had nowhere to go. The man still holding the chains reached for the wall again. I learned my lesson though, I wouldn't bite him again.

The silver chains had these black boxes on the ends that held onto the hooks in the wall. I got one chain for each of my wrists and ankles. The chains were short and tight so I could barely move. All the men in the room stood up and walked away.

I yelled, "Hey! Where are you going? You can't chain me up and leave me here!" They ignored me. Once they were all out a bigger, buffer, and meaner looking vampire came in. He had on a military looking outfit with a matching camouflage hat and big black boots. I couldn't see any hair poking out of his hat, so I'm sure he was bald.

He said, "Now, tell us what we want to know and you won't be further hurt." I growled and said, "I seriously doubt that." I looked over to Ash's window and saw he was awake. Ash must've heard my yelling and fighting through his deep sleep. "Hey!" The man in front of me yelled. I guess he was talking to me when I zoned out.

My knees were pulled to my chest and the man kicked me in the shin when I didn't look at him. I snapped my head toward him with a snarl. "That's better. Now we can get started." He was smiling down at me. If he kept smiling like that he was going to end up just like Zane. It didn't matter that I was stuck in chains at that moment.

The sound of my voice reached me, and I realized how vicious I'd become. Ash was right, there was an animal waiting to be unleashed from inside of me. I felt guilty for letting this man get to me so badly. I needed to try harder to stay calm and not lash out. It's better that I practice now so I never end up hurting my family when I go back to them.

When I noticed the man talking I listened carefully. "You will call me Commander or Sir. I will not accept anything else." I smiled the smile he gave me earlier and said, "Alright Commander Bossy Vamp Sir." He pulled out something so fast I didn't see what is was. He swung his fist at me and would've knocked me over if I wasn't in chains.

The whole right side of my face was aching from the hit. I spit on the ground and blinked my eyes. When I could see clearly again I saw blood on the ground where I spit. I turned to look at Commander Bossy Vamp Sir. The acronym for that would be CBVS, but that isn't very catchy or easy to say.

It kind of sounds like Cubs if you say it fast. I guess I'll call the man in front of me Cubs. Not out loud though, just in my head. I did not want to get hit with whatever is on his fist again. Speaking of that...I looked at Cubs' fist and saw that silver was attached like a bracelet around his knuckles.

From my past research I knew that vampires could touch silver, but if they were hit by it then it hurts a lot. It would be like a human getting hit by a body builder. Very, very painful. Although silver won't kill a vampire unless it hits the bloodstream.

Like if a vampire was stabbed by a silver knife. Even scratched, if they didn't get medical help they would die within a day. They would also go crazy and hurt people. So anyway, there is a lot of pain in my face now. And of course Cubs knew that. He laughed and said, "Now pay attention if you want to live."

This time I didn't say anything. Cubs noticed my body relax. I didn't realize it but my body was tensed for a fight. "When did you first form your telepathic abilities?" Cubs really got right to the point. I looked through the window at Ash and saw him looking at me. Ash's eyes were glowing red with anger.

He must've seen me get punched. Man, that's embarrassing. Cubs raised his fist to get my attention. My focus went back to him. As soon as it did he lowered his arm. I opened my mouth to answer but closed it again. Why does this guy feel so certain that I have telepathy?

Shouldn't he ask me first to make sure? Cubs seemed pretty sure of himself. With the silver on his knuckles, I wouldn't want to be the one asking him any questions. Cubs kicked me in the side and yelled, "Answer me when I speak to you!"

I'm pretty sure the whole building heard him yell. I could smell his breath too. Cubs definitely needs a breath mint. Maybe I should get a sword and cover it in toothpaste to shove down his throat. I smiled at the thought. "What's so funny?" Cubs wanted to know. "Nothing really."

Before Cubs could hit or kick me I answered his other question as vaguely as possible. "I was born with telepathy." Cubs growled but didn't hurt me. I think it's because I finally answered his question. Cubs might be in a hurry. I better drag this out as long as I can then.

"When did you know for sure..." If Cubs finished his sentence then I didn't hear it over the yelling and smashing noises coming from Ash's bedroom. "Wait here." Cubs said to me. Like I could leave. I might as well try. I knew Ash's scream well by now and knew they were attacking him.

Cubs unlocked Ash's door and disappeared from my view. I started thrashing and pulling on the chains with all of my might. The chains just dug into the skin around my wrists more. I was getting desperate now. "Ash!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "ASH!"

If I helped him we could escape together. I think he would've yelled back if there wasn't a loud thump. I really hoped the sound wasn't him falling. Ash had to keep fighting. I would get us out of here. A man I didn't know suddenly came in my room from Ash's. I guess my screaming got attention after all. The man was wearing the standard black outfit I'd seen on One, Two, Three, Four, and Five.

I looked the man in the eye and said, "You are tired. You are weak. You will let me out of these chains willingly. If anyone asks, you wanted me free." He nodded. Great! My mind control still works. The man turned and walked out the door.

"I guess it didn't work." I said out loud. A second later the man came back in with some keys. I smiled at him as he undid my chains. I stood and stretched. "Thanks! Now go tell whoever sent you that you had to knock me out."

The man opened Ash's door and walked out of my room. The man left the door open for me. I stepped forward to go help Ash fight. Unfortunately, Cubs was trying to come back in at the same time the man was leaving. "Shoot." I said to myself.

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