Secrets Revealed

200 16 5

Date 6-29-17

Hey everyone! Here's another chapter, fortunately it's normal length like I've been wanting it to be :)

Word Count: 2012


Chapter 36: Secrets Revealed

I opened my eyes to a wooden ceiling and something soft underneath me. For a moment I could only move my eyes, I felt completely frozen. Then my finger twitched as I strained to move. I would've breathed a sigh of relief if I'd been breathing at all. That's when I realized I hadn't been breathing. And I felt cold, really cold. The smothering thought of death had me gasping and trying to sit up, panicking at the thought that I was dead. But someone caught my shoulders and said, "Hey! Calm down, Alicia! You're fine. You're okay."

They gently pushed me onto my back, like I'd been before I had tried to sit up. I dully noted that whoever was speaking sounding like they were assuring themselves more than me. I started breathing again because I couldn't stand the thought that I'd appeared dead. Because I felt ice cold and hadn't been breathing, I thought I'd been dead. But I wasn't, and I had to keep telling myself that. And even though my breaths were more like panicky shallow pants, I had to keep breathing so I knew that I was alive. Well, technically not alive. More like undead, but the technicalities didn't matter to me at the moment.

When they were mostly certain I wasn't frantically trying to sit up again, they let go of my shoulders. My eyes quickly searched around me until they rested on Zane, who was standing on my right side next to me. "Hey." He said with a nervous smile. I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong, but Zane must've seen the confusion on my face and decided to ask me questions first. "Are you okay, Alicia? What happened?" "Why are you asking me? Don't you think I want to know what happened?" I questioned Zane before I thought about what I was saying.

Zane looked baffled for a moment. "Well, you and Ash were gone for a couple of hours. You didn't get home until a minute after it was dark out." I almost smiled because what Zane had said meant that me and Ash had made good time. But I kept my face neutral because I wanted to hear how I'd gotten here. A quick look around told me I was in the bedroom I'd woken up in after I was turned. Uh, talk about some bad déjà vu. "Anyway, you walked into the cabin and just collapsed, right in the living room. Ash yelled for me and we carried you in here."

Zane looked really worried. And I felt bad because I remembered what happened. Well, that's not exactly true. I only remember up until I shut off my mind. After that's a blank. "Sorry for scaring you." I said while sitting up. "Hey, you should take it easy. And no, I was not scared." Zane said indignantly. "Sorry, I meant worried." I said with an eye roll. "So does that mean you remember what happened?" Zane asked me curiously. "Not exactly, but... Wait, where's Ash?" "Oh, he's-" "Right here." Ash said from the door, which I just noticed was open.

"I'm sorry. I meant to be in here when you woke up. But I went to go get some blood in case you were suffering from blood loss." Ash held up a glass with his left hand, which had dark red liquid in it. "And I got water in case you were dehydrated." Then Ash held up the glass in his right hand, which had regular water in it. "Vampires can get dehydrated by not drinking water? I thought only humans got like that." I said. "Yeah vampires can too if-" "Hey! That's not the point here."

Zane suddenly exclaimed loudly so Ash would shut up and so we'd pay attention to him. "Alicia, what happened? Why did you pass out like that?" Zane asked me with intensity. "I have no idea. Sorry I caused you guys trouble." I said quietly, but I knew by the look on Zane's face that he didn't believe me. I tried to slip off of the bed and escape the room but I only made it one step before Ash stood in front of me and Zane grabbed my right arm. "Hey!" I said angrily. Instantly I knew speaking had been a mistake.

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