Flying Fists

729 32 3

Date 5-8-17

Hey everyone! I am currently in the car on my way back from Florida. It's a super long drive but it's been okay so far.

So here's the next chapter! I want you to know that I worked ahead on this chapter around a week ago, so it's not like I'm choosing to work on this book over my other one, The Secrets of Cain.

I haven't had time for much Wattpad, but I will probably publish a new chapter of TSoC soon.

Word Count: 2008


Chapter 6: Flying Fists

I woke up from what felt like a thousand year sleep. I stretched to get the kinks out of my body. It took longer than it usually does. My muscles felt like I hadn't used them in a while. It felt weird to stretch, and at first I couldn't see why. Then I remembered that I should've hit my arms on the headboard of my bed.

I didn't have to open my eyes yet to know I wasn't in my bed, safe at home. If I wasn't home, then where was I? I could stretch, so that meant I wasn't tied up. Which means I might not have been kidnapped. But that really didn't matter if I didn't know where I was.

I used my arms to feel around the bed I was on, and I hit something. I turned my head and opened my eyes. I saw an arm, and I turned my head to look at the ceiling, not wanting to face whoever this was. I guess the person sitting next to me didn't take the hint.

"Wow Alicia, you hardly slept at all! If you are still tired you can go back to bed. But if you aren't tired, we can get started!" Whoever it was sounded cheerful...and familiar. I didn't like that. It finally clicked. I remembered who this person was! It wasn't a person at all, it was the vampire I fought with. Ash.

Sure enough, when I didn't open my eyes he said, "Alicia it's me, Ash. Don't you remember by now? All the people I've tried turning have died, but based on my own experience I think you're supposed to have your memory back by now." I knew Ash was talking, but I wasn't really processing it. My memories and thoughts were spinning uncontrollably in my brain.

I knew what happened now. Ash turned me into a vampire. I can't believe this is happening! I immediately tried talking to Lucy in her mind, and to my surprise, it actually worked. "Alicia! Are you okay? I haven't heard from you in hours! Me and Jake got home, but we were worried about you." I was surprised when she said we, because I didn't think Jake cared. But I let Lucy keep going on.

"We told Mom and Dad you were staying at a friend's house so they wouldn't worry." I said, "Yeah Lucy, I'm fine." I felt really bad lying to her, but I felt like this would protect her. "Okay well you have 24 hours to get home or our parents will be more mad at you than they already are." Since Lucy told them I was at a friend's house, they would be mad because I didn't ask, and because I was supposed to be at detention.

I kept my breathing steady so Ash wouldn't notice what I was doing. "Alright, Lucy. I'll be home then. I have to go. I'll talk to you when I get home." Lucy hesitated for a second but said okay. By this time Ash was shaking me. "Alicia? Alicia? Did you die in the last minute or something?" I couldn't believe Ash.

He actually sounded like he cared. Not that I cared. I'm still gonna kill Ash. In one swift motion I opened my eyes, grabbed his arms and pushed him backwards. Ash flew into the wall on the other side of the room. He even dented it! Am I really that strong now? Ash growled at me, ready to attack.

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