Saying Goodbye

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Date 6-11-17

Hey everyone! Sorry for updating so late. (At my house, right now it's 11:30pm.

Word Count: 2923


Chapter 28: Saying Goodbye

After a moment of staring blankly at the door that leads to the hallway, I realized that Zane never told me when he'd come back. That meant that I was stuck here alone for who knows how long. All I could do was worry about whether Ash would be okay or not. I tried to distract myself by thinking about something happy. But my mind drifted to thoughts of my sister, Lucy. She did make me happy, but my thoughts of her had been tainted. When I heard or thought her name, all I could think is how disappointed she could be. Would she still love me if she knew what I'd become?

I mentally and physically shook my head to clear my mind. I couldn't think like that right then, because I had some more immediate concerns. It would be better to focus on those rather than the depression that was creeping up on me. I couldn't dwell on that. Well, at least not yet. So instead I thought of where Ash might be. I tried to think like the enemy, but it was freaky. Who would want to be like Storm? Maybe Cubs... I needed to figure out where Ash was. They would put him far away from me, obviously.

If Zane was here, I would ask if there was a basement somewhere. Or maybe I'd ask why in the world he left me alone. Why not have Dalton come down here? I felt my eyes brighten as I grew angry at Zane, and at Storm. I know Zane didn't deserve my anger at that moment, but he is one vampire that I could blame. Would blaming anyone besides Storm help me here? Probably not... I just couldn't help it sometimes. I get so furious. At home, I would've gone in the attic and hit my punching bag around. I didn't see anything to punch around me. Besides, I needed to keep my strength up for the escape plan. If there still was one.

Maybe I should stop thinking. It seems to only end badly. So I let my mind go blank. I stepped back until I felt the cold wall touch my back. I slid down to the floor with my eyes closed. It was weird that the wall was colder than me. I hadn't noticed it was cold in the room before. Maybe it was only the walls. Or maybe the cold was from me. My core body temperature is cold, so it's not like my skin is very warm. I wondered if my heart was cold too. What if I go back to my family one day and I'm super mean all the time? I was kind of distant before, but never outright mean.

I really don't want my heart to be cold. I want my heart to be big and warm. I want to love and be loved. Isn't that every teenage girl's dream? But with each moment that I'm stuck in this building, my dreams seem to get smaller. Dreams are for normal people, not vampires. But is that true? I had no idea. I couldn't think about it anymore. At least not with the headache growing in my head. That pain reminded me of another. The pain I got from hunger. It was stronger than regular hunger. Although I was getting too tired to care. And with that thought, I fell asleep thinking of blood and cold hearts.

At some point I became aware that my stomach was growling. My throat was dry too. I had slumped against the wall during my nap. I sat up groggily and rubbed my eyes. A noise right in my ear caught my attention, which sharpened my senses. I looked all around and saw no one. The noise came again, and I finally realized what it was. My chains were rattling loud and insistent. I had forgotten about them. I gasped in surprise when my stomach growled again and my throat burned. If my heart still beat, it would be pounding. I let out a deep breath to clear my head. It wasn't like me to be paranoid. I guess being kidnapped did that to you.

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