Lying and Teasing

364 23 0

Date 5-21-17

Let's pretend that the picture above is silver knuckles :)

(It's actually brass, but I'm saying it's silver)

Word Count: 1190


Chapter 17: Lying and Teasing

I hurried on saying, "That night I was stressed and worried about my sister. If I left her alone she would die or be taken away from me. So, in a moment of blind panic, I transmitted my power to my sister through her mind."

I could tell Cubs wasn't convinced but he was willing to listen to me for another minute or so. "Prove it!" Cubs exclaimed in a rare show of excitement. I made my face fall like I was embarrassed to admit it. "I can't do it." Cubs raised one eyebrow. I was jealous Cubs could do that. I'd never been able to lift one eyebrow.

"Then how in the world did you do it back then?" Cubs asked. "I told you, I panicked and it just happened." I really hoped Cubs couldn't tell that every word that came out of my mouth was a lie. "I don't even know how to do it!" I declared, trying to convince him. Cubs just moved on from the subject.

"What can you do?" Cubs asked. I thought for a second and said, "I can do a lot of things, sir! Like fighting and..." Cubs didn't even let me finish my next example before he slapped me hard across the face. When the black I saw didn't go away, I realized I had my eyes closed from the pain. I looked up at Cubs and started laughing.

Cubs turned towards me to hit me again. Only this time he didn't. Cubs simply said, "Maybe we can get some straight answers out of your boyfriend." My laughter died as I sucked in my breath. Cubs was still looking at me so I said, "His name is Ash. Ash is not my boyfriend. What don't you people understand about that? It's fairly simple."

"Then why in the world have you tried to save him so many times? Why didn't you leave him to die when you escaped? Instead you let yourself be taken so he wouldn't die." My mind was stumbling on what to say for a minute. "I've done it all because I want to be a good person."

Cubs laughed at that and sarcastically said, "Well good luck becoming a good person." I opened my mouth to respond but Cubs just kept going on. "Last I heard you aren't a person, you're a vampire. Vampires aren't good. They're practically spawns of the devil."

My mouth was flopping like a fish by this point, opening and closing. I kept trying to find some reasonable explanation. Cubs and I both knew that he was right. I did like Ash. Though not like I want him to be my boyfriend, but more of a friend you hang out with a lot. And I completely denied his idea that I couldn't be good.

I couldn't help it if Ash was funny, or sweet, or nice. I guess he can't help it either though... This is confusing. Ash is my sire. I thought I would hate him forever. Now we are sort of friends. I think in a way this is all Ash's fault, so I blamed him. I turned to Ash's window and saw he was awake.

Cubs pulled out a key and went into Ash's room. Right before Cubs closed the door I said, "I don't like him that way!" It was the only justifiable thing I could think to say. I bet Cubs was laughing at me again. He is such a jerk. Someone should really get rid of him. I considered the chances of that someone being me. It wasn't very likely.

I strained as hard as I could on my chains to see Ash through the window. Cubs was blocking my view, but I finally found a position where I could see Ash. It looked like they were circling each other, waiting for someone to make the first move.

Cubs suddenly kicked Ash, making him fall onto his stomach. Cubs had an opening to pin Ash down, but he didn't take it. Instead Cubs looked right at me and smiled. Did he want me to see this? I couldn't be sure yet because Ash used Cubs' pause to his advantage.

Ash grabbed Cubs' foot and pulled him to the ground. They both rolled, but in opposite directions. They leapt up at the same time and started circling each other again. I saw Cubs reach into his pocket and hold his hand behind his back. Ash didn't notice.

Even without the glint of silver I knew exactly what Cubs had. I could still remembered the ache it left in my jaw and cheeks. Using my telepathy I yelled out, "Ash! Cubs has silver attached to his knuckles!" I could see in his eyes that Ash understood, but it was too late.

Cubs was already swinging. But because of my heads up, Ash was able to almost get out of the way. Ash dodged to the left. Cubs was surprised but his aim was good. Cubs just barely missed Ash's face and clipped him in the shoulder.

If Cubs had no silver then Ash would've stumbled because he was already off balance. The silver added the boost Cubs needed to knock Ash clear to the other side of the room. Of course it was beyond my view. That's when I started to panic. "Ash! Ash!" Cubs suddenly came into view. He was dragging Ash across the floor.

"No!" I really wished I could've banged on the glass right then. At least I would've had something to do. The way Cubs was dragging Ash made it very clear to see his face. His face was black and blue all over, but Ash was still conscious. Cubs smiled at me as he chained Ash to the wall that I could see most clearly.

Cubs definitely wanted me to see this. Once Ash was secure Cubs walked over to the window and opened it. Cubs smirked at me just like Zane does and said, "I hope you enjoy the show." I was so shocked that I couldn't keep my face neutral. Cubs laughed at my shocked expression. I thought the least I could do was show no hurt so Cubs would stop his stupid game. But no, I couldn't.

"Let's begin shall we?"Cubs said while walking over to Ash. He made sure I could see Ash. His face was healing but I knew it was hurting a lot. I couldn't even imagine the pain because I only got hit once with the silver. Ash was most likely beat. Cubs looked at me. "Are you ready Alicia?"

Ash opened his eyes groggily. "Alicia? You've've gotta go. Get out...get out of here!" Ash was stuttering so badly I wanted to cry. He was in so much pain. I couldn't even protect him. None of this was fair. We had no chance at all. I didn't try hard enough! I should've tried harder.

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