Seeing Stars Where They Shouldn't Be

415 24 1

Date 5-18-17

You know how if someone is hit really hard, they'll see stars? Or how if cartoon characters get hit, birds fly around their head? That's what the picture above is, just in case anyone didn't get it :)

Word Count: 1147


Chapter 13: Seeing Stars Where They Shouldn't Be

One did hear when everyone, including me, fell to the floor. I obviously wasn't asleep, but I had fallen because Three and Four had been holding me up in the air. I jumped up and rushed One, thinking I'd startle him into shock. Nope. Not even close.

One was ready for me when I flashed through the doorway in front of him and tried to push him to the ground. He grabbed my arm and flipped me onto my back. That's gonna hurt later. One grabbed my arm again and started dragging me away. I kicked and clawed at his hand but he didn't let go.

One finally let me go, only to kick me in the side so hard I rolled back into the first bedroom. One locked the door quickly while I scrambled to get up. I managed to stand but I stumbled backwards from the pain in my side, which hadn't healed yet. One grinned at me as I struggled to stay upright.

One backhanded me and I fell halfway on the bed, then rolled off and landed on the floor. There were stars in my eyes and my vision was really fuzzy. I just barely heard the click of a lock as I gazed at the ceiling until I could see again. Through my adrenaline I could just barely feel my body warming, healing itself.

I sat up slowly, testing my ability to move. I rotated my head and found I didn't have a raging migraine, only a slight headache. If I was not a vampire, I would have internal bleeding from the nasty kick I got in my side. I pulled my shirt up and saw the skin was not even bruised.

That was one good thing. I held on to the bed as I stood to balance my weight. I don't know how long I laid on the floor, but my body already healed itself enough for me to move. That didn't mean it was comfortable though.

I walked slowly over to the window that Five had uncovered. There's Ash! He was laying on the bed where One had left him at an odd angle. Ash was partly on his side and one of his arms was pinned under him. It looked broken. Ash must've been more hurt than I originally thought.

Without thinking I banged on the window with my fist. I'm pretty sure Ash twitched, but that was it. I was just about to yell at Ash to wake him up, when the door to the hallway opened. Five walked in. I thought to myself, "You've got to be kidding me."

I should've known if I made noise someone would hear and know I was awake. "What are you doing here?" I asked as Five took a step toward me. I growled at him and he stopped his advance. "I-I'm here to see if you need help."

Five seemed nervous, and the right thing to do would be to calm down. But Five's question angered me so much that I lost my cool. I took a step forward and he stumbled back. "I need help getting out of here!" I yelled at him, possibly a bit unfairly. Five looked more scared than nervous now.

"I-I meant medical help. I can't help you with anything else..." Five trailed off and stood there looking at the ground. I felt bad now because he only came to see if I was okay. I sighed and said, "I'm not hurt." Five turned to go but I called out, "Wait!"

Five cautiously turned towards me, backing up slowly as he did. "How long do I have to stay here? When am I leaving?" I didn't give him time to answer before I said "Is Ash okay?" I pointed to Ash's room. Five was moving faster towards the door now.

I stepped forward and grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "What's going on? Is Ash okay?" "I-I can't help you." I realized my grip was getting too strong and I loosened it a little. "Fine. But is Ash okay?" Five looked behind him at the door like someone might burst in any second.

"Your friend will wake up soon. I must go." Five said it so quietly I barely heard him. Then he ran out of the room and locked the door behind him. I ran up to the door and hit it as hard as I could. Not even a crack. Could life get any worse?

Around ten minutes later I learned it could. I was sitting near the window waiting for Ash to wake up. The door to the hallway suddenly opened and vampires I didn't know came in. I saw them in the reflection of the window. There were around fifteen men in my room.

I jumped up and punched the man closest to me in the face. The man next to him grabbed my best punching arm. I swung blindly at the other men around me as I tried to shake off the one holding my right arm. Somebody snuck around me and held me around my waist, lifting me off the ground.

I kicked and punched but I was outnumbered by a lot. I think I managed to kick someone in the face. The man holding me carried me over to one side of the room and dropped me. I hit my head on the wall, but I had no time to recover. I was in fight mode and these people were reaching for me.

I lashed out with my feet and tripped a couple of them. Then I got in some good punches to the one who tried to crouch next to me. Suddenly, they all attacked me at once. They held down my arms and legs so no matter how much I struggled, I just couldn't move.

Someone from the back cut through the other men to get to me. He was holding a long silver chain. I struggled a million times harder but more men helped pin me down so I had no chance of escaping, even though I had newbie vampire strength. Everyone who wasn't holding me down stepped away.

The man holding the chain stepped forward and crouched down in front of me. I could see my glowing red eyes reflecting in his calm, dark blue ones. He reached for the wall next to me so I leaned my head over and bit his arm. He yelled and slapped me in the face. I didn't make another sound.

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