Unveiling Names

178 16 5

Date 7-10-17

Hey everyone! For this chapter, I did something different.

After reading this chapter to edit it, I was inspired to make the picture myself. So I did!

The picture above was made by me with a bit of editing. I made Zane and Alicia's names based off of their contrasting eye colors :)

Word Count: 2390


Chapter 42: Unveiling Names

I went down the hall and stopped in front of his door, which was identical to mine. I knocked lightly on the door, knowing he'd hear it loud and clear, but there was no answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. Fearing the worst, I barged in and found Ash sitting on his bed with his back to me. "Ash?" He didn't move or say anything. I took a few steps forward. "Ash." I said, louder this time. "What?" Ash finally said. I breathed a sigh of relief, then walked over so I stood in front of him. "I wanted to talk to you. I want you to know that what happened wasn't your fault."

"Of course it was my fault! I hurt you!" Ash yelled. I flinched, but didn't move. "It wasn't you, and I knew that the whole time! I promise that I don't blame you at all!" I told Ash honestly. "Unless you're going to tell me how horrible I am, I want you to go away. Leave and don't talk to me anymore. In fact, find somewhere else to stay because I'm dangerous!" Ash said miserably. I sat on my knees on the floor so I could see his face. "I know you don't mean that." I said gently, trying to get him to listen. "Yes I do! Go away! Leave me alone!"

"No! I won't until you stop this! I'm fine! Zane is fine! No one's hurt, Ash. Everyone is fine." Ash only shook his head. "Fine then." I said firmly, standing up. "If you decide you want to talk, come get me." Then I walked away. I could tell when I wasn't wanted. But I knew Ash would come around. He had to. I found Zane leaning against the wall in the hallway outside of Ash's room. Without me having to say anything, Zane took my hand and pulled me away. As we entered the kitchen my stomach grumbled.

I hadn't known I was hungry before, but Zane had. I smiled tiredly at him, trying to show my appreciation even though I felt down. I wished Ash wouldn't blame himself. Zane guided me over to the kitchen table and told me to sit. I tried to protest but he just shook his head. "I'll make my lunch specialty." Zane told me with a mischievous smile. It was good that Zane knew how to cook, because I certainly didn't. I'd always lived off sandwiches and my mom's cooking. I felt a pang in my heart and realized I missed her.

Maybe I should've ignored the secrets instead of ignoring her. I only felt slightly better thinking that I'd been closer to my mom than I'd been to my dad. I actually spoke to my mom. If you could believe it, my dad was more distant than I'd ever been. I watched Zane get out his ingredients. There was bread, cheese slices, and butter. Zane set a couple of paper plates, a pan and a butter knife on the counter. "You're making grilled cheese sandwiches?" I asked Zane, surprised at his choice. He'd made it sound like he was making something fancier than that.

Zane gave me an incredulous look. "Of course! That's my lunch specialty." I guessed my expression wasn't awed enough for him, so Zane went on defending his food. "Don't hate it till you've ate it." I laughed at that, thinking it was ironic that he'd use such a stupid sounding expression. He just didn't feel like that type of guy to me. But I was learning more about him every day. When Zane finished cooking, he sat down with me to eat his creations. I took a bite as he watched expectantly.

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