Unusual Allies

386 18 2

Date 5-25-17

Hey everyone! I picked out the picture above for the newest character in this story, Dalton.

I thought it was funny :)


Chapter 20: Unusual Allies

This must be my first visitor. I knew his name from earlier in a boring hallway. His name was Dalton. The few seconds that I saw him, I was completely disgusted. He wasn't ugly or anything. In fact, he was the exact opposite. Dalton was handsome when I first saw him, and that hadn't changed.

Dalton's soft looking, light brown hair was spiked up to look tougher. I thought it completely worked. That didn't mean I liked him at all though. The smirk on Dalton's face completely ruined whatever sweet, good boy image he could've had. In the hallway he looked at me like food, and it wasn't any different now.

Dalton smiled at me as I stared at him. I crossed my arms and luckily, my newest chains allowed me to. Cubs smiled happily and said, "Alicia, meet Dalton. You two will have fun, I know it." Cubs said that last part with an evil twinkle in his eyes. I knew visitors wouldn't be good. Dalton turned and watched Cubs leave.

I stood a few feet away from the wall I was chained to. I might be able to fight better that way so I had a little room. Once Cubs closed my door and locked it, Dalton turned to me. Keeping eye contact with Dalton to show I wasn't scared, I sent a message to Ash in my head. "Hey Ash?" I listened hard to hear his thoughts over my pounding heart.

I heard Ash think, "Yeah Alicia?" Dalton took a step toward me. I asked Ash quickly, "Are you still watching me?" Ash was thinking about a lot, panicking actually. But I knew he thought yes at some point. To myself I thought, "Oh gosh." Then to Ash I said, "Wish me luck." I focused back on Dalton and saw he was now only a few feet away from me.

Dalton looked straight into my eyes and said, "I'm glad I got to you first." I scowled and stopped myself from growling. I decided staying silent wouldn't really help me. So I said, "So am I! You'll get to be the first one I send back crying." Dalton didn't flinch. He actually laughed. "So the rumors are true, you are feisty!"

Dalton leaned in slightly to emphasis his next sentence. Then he said very seriously, "I like my women that way." I kept my face neutral, but inside I was screaming to fight. "Well I like my men with a pulse." Dalton leaned back and said, "That's not what I've heard." I was thinking of another snappy retort when Dalton started talking.

"I heard your boyfriend is right in that room, and you are lonely without him." Dalton playfully wiggled his eyebrows and said, "I can help with that." I opened my mouth to say Ash wasn't my boyfriend, but suddenly there was a loud ringing noise. Dalton ran with super speed to the door, which opened for him. Someone handed him two chairs.

Dalton flashed back to where he stood a second ago, still using his vampire super speed. He gave me one chair and put down the other chair for himself. Dalton sat down, smiled and looked at the camera in front of the door. Then he turned back to me and scooted closer. Now he was only a foot away from me. I moved slightly away from the chair.

Dalton frowned slightly and said, "Come on Alicia, sit down! I'm not going to hurt you." He seemed so sincere, which made me very confused. I looked at Ash and saw him shrug. His chains rattled and I went to look back to Dalton. I wasn't fast enough though because when I looked away, Dalton grabbed me.

He pushed me down into the chair and I sat there, very stunned. Dalton looked calmly at me. Then he said, "The text I just got told me the security cameras are down." Dalton leaned forward, closer to me. "Now that means you can beat me up and run, but you won't make it out of here."

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