Epic Embarrassment

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Date 6-16-17

Hey everyone! So Wattpad is fixed on my phone! Finally XD

I'm so excited for this part of the story! This is a longer chapter, so here you go

Word Count: 3828


Chapter 30: Epic Embarrassment

We all stumbled to the door, with me and Zane half carrying Ash. It was difficult, but we kept going. The heat pressed on, sapping all of my strength. But I had to get us out of there, and not just from the room. I had to get us out of the building, far away. Somewhere Storm wouldn't find us. I knew Storm would search for me because of my telepathy. He would search for Ash because he got away. Storm likes to have all the power, which means no escaping prisoners could go unpunished. Storm would search for Zane and Dalton because they betrayed him. Storm wouldn't stand for any of us escaping.

But we could make it. That's why I kept going, and when we reached the door I opened it. The door wasn't locked, it swung open easily. I practically dragged Zane and Ash from the room, so eager to be rid of the heat. The air was cool in the hallway, which was a huge relief. I felt like smiling, but I was still so tired. Zane closed the door behind us while still holding on to Ash. I looked at Zane and he nodded. He was saying we should keep going. I completely agreed, except I wished we could take a break first. Maybe even get a bottle of blood to boost our energy. But I knew we couldn't, so I just stumbled along with Zane.

We walked for a couple more minutes down endless halls that all looked the same. Even though we were out of the heat, I hadn't regained enough of my energy. The little strength I had left was dedicated to holding Ash and walking. And I felt that I wasn't doing a good job with either of those. I felt drunk, even though I'd never drank a drop of alcohol or done any drugs in my life. I finally managed to squeeze out the words, "Zane, I can't keep going." I sounded pathetic, which I absolutely hated. Zane said, "Good thing we're here then." Zane sounded as relieved as I felt.

But then I felt confused because we were in front of a door that looked the same as the one we found Ash in. "This leads outside?" I questioned Zane. He didn't answer, just reached a hand to knock softly on the door. It immediately swung open, which confused me even more. A hand reached out and grabbed at Zane, pulling him, along with me and Ash, inside the room. If I wasn't so exhausted I would've screamed. Zane didn't seem surprised though, it was as if he'd expected it. I understood why when the door closed and a light came on. Dalton was standing in front of us. "Took you long enough." He said indignantly.

I took a moment to study Dalton, taking in his appearance as if I'd never see it again. His light brown hair was still spiked up in that wannabe tough way of his, although it kind of worked on him. He was wearing a very dark blue V-neck shirt that matched his eye color perfectly, and hinted at the muscled body that I'm sure is underneath. With dark blue jeans and cowboy boots he did kind of have the bad boy look going for him. It's funny because Dalton appeared sweeter than Zane, but Zane's the one who wears lighter colors, like the red shirt he has on now. I suddenly noticed Dalton also had some stubble on his face, which made him look a little older. But my focus shifted when Zane spoke up.

"Sorry we're a little late." Zane said, still sounding exhausted from getting Ash out of the heated room. Although he sounded better than I did. Again, I assumed it was from the extra blood he got. "Where do we put him?" I managed to say, indicating Ash. "Right over there." Dalton said, sounding impatient. I turned to where he pointed and saw a red couch. Once Zane and I pulled Ash onto the couch, I allowed myself to sit and look around. I sat in a red armchair next to the couch that matched the one where Ash was lying. When I looked around the room, I realized this was smaller than the classroom like rooms we'd been in before.

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