Tonight, I promise *SMUT SOZ*

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Troye's POV

Tyler had promised we'd go to a Hotel tonight, but ever since the day that man was across the stret when Tyler cried i cant stop thinking about it, theres so much i want to know, like why would he hurt Tyler, how did he hurt him? Hopefully tonight will take my mind off it!We got out of Tyler's car grabbing our bags from the boot Ty and i walked into the hotel hand in hand the woman at reception shot us a warming smile and asked for our check in details. However the guests in the lift werent too happy about sharing a lift with me and Ty. When we reached our floor the couple from the lift followed us out, down the hall and to the room next door, Ty looked over at me and winked before slamming me into the wall outside our room and noisly making out with me the couple were appauled at his nerves to do such a thing in such a place. we burst into our room and Ty said "Just to wind up the narrow minded huh?" I smiled at him that took nerve and a whole lot of love, Ty honsetly did wear his heart on his sleeve.

Id barely put my bag down when Tyler pushed me roughly up against the wall holding my wrists tightly above my head , He kissed me with passion and force, Tyler wasn't going to dominate me, and he wasn't going to get me easy either, I waited forever for this I was going to make it last! Tyler licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance but i denied him. Tyler let out a groan from the back of his throat and I pulled away from out kiss causing him to pout "Uh Uh Baby, I'm in charge" I flipped us over pinning Tyler up against the wall. I kissed him lustfully as my hands made they re way to his hair tugging on the roots, Tyler moaned and I darted my tongue into his mouth, We fought for dominance but Tyler gave up when I ran my hand down his chest. We both pulled back to breath, panting and full of passion. "Troye....If you don't want to do this it's OK ill wait, you are still 18 and i dont want you to make a mistake" Tyler's words were spaced out and breathy "I've never wanted anything or anybody more than i want you right now!" I wasn't going to lie, Tyler was all I fantasized about it was like I was in a fan fiction!

"I fucking love you Troye!" his fingertips grazed my inner thigh giving me goose bumps "Lets make fan fiction a reality Baby" he whispered into my ear I shivered against his breath he pulled away and winked at  me running off to the bathroom with his bag "AS LONG AS ITS NOT THE HUMMUS FIC!" he giggled and smiled at me he shut the door biting his lip "I'M SERIOUS TYLER!" from the other side of the door ergghh the hummus fic.

Tyler's POV

 "IM SERIOUS TYLER!" ergghh the hummus fic that thing put me off Greek dip forever! But tonight we were going to live a fanfiction, cute, passion filled, love making, hot, rough, everything just me and my baby Troye. I walked back into our hotel room from the bathroom wearing only a towel around my waist to find Troye on our bed leaning up on his elbows, wearing only his boxers Troye glanced up at me, his mouth open and breath heavy. I walked over to him seductively and straddled him, running my hands along his thighs until i reached his butt I squeezed him causing him to jolt up into a kiss. Pure desire ran through both of our veins.Troye reached his hand down.

Pulling my Towel away from my body leaving me completely exposed to him. Troye's eyes widened at the sight of all of me "All for you baby" I said against his lips. I leaned back giving myself access to his milky skin, i ducked my head down and began peppering kisses along his neck and collar bones before i found hi sweet spot he moaned and I began sucking a deep purple mark into his collar bone "HNnnnngngngg TYLER HNGG" escaped Troye's lightly parted lips as his eyes fluttered shut in pleasure.I Pulled back to admire the state id put him in and we'd barely started yet...

"MM-Hmm" I giggled as Troye Flipped us over straddling me. He pushed down his Boxers kicking them off somewhere behind him. Troye was is here fully exposed hovering above me like some love angel and im not sure how long i can bare not toughing him, just as that thought pops into my head Troye Grinds his body down against mine, causing us both to moan out at the feeling. I tried to flip us back over but Troye held me down with his hands on my chest "Your not going anywhere baby, Solid as a rock" I looked down to both of our obvious arousal's "You can say that again!" Troye was distracted by looking at my manhood he didn't notice id flipped us over, I grabbed a piece of ribbon id packed in my bag and tied Troyes hands crossed over on the headboard. "Back in a second babe!" I hopped of of Troye and ran to get my IPhone I opened up my camera "Tyler what the hell!" I snapped a picture of Troye in all his glory, he looked so inviting, small, venerable to my touch i couldn't resist "What i cant have pictures of MY boyfriend on MY phone now huh?" Troye laughed in defeat and but his lip " Only if i get your pictures babe" Troye whispered seductively "Oh don't you worry babe, you will, very soon but for now i have something better than a picture!"

I kissed my way down from Troye's neck scattering kisses along his chest, stomach and down to his V-Lines, letting my head fall to his desires "T-T-T-TY!!!" Troye scremed and I kept going faster after a few minutes Troye screamed "TYLER UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Tonight was going to be a long night and a fun one at that!

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