Im so happy...(dominant!troye)

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Korey's POV
DATING...Troyler huh..Tyler's kissing Troye so I turn to the couch grabbing my jacket and placing it awkwardly under my arm "dating huh that's fantastic hashtag Troyler and all, well..I urm I-I'm gonna head off now..ha..ha, I have a urm a-a place to be so bye Tyler I'll see you soon, nice to see you Troye" before Tyler or Troye can answer I shut Tyler's front door and let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding, dating, why did that make me feel so weird, like I just had to get out, that's a lot to take in! Tyler was my roommate I knew he wasn't the older guy he never wanted to be seen as a 'sugar daddy' was Tyler going to be seen as Troye's sugar daddy!

Tyler's POV
"What just happened?" Troye say's turning towards me confused, I place my hand on his shoulder and whisper to him "maybe somebody is just jealous that's you snatched me up first" Troye let's out a noise half way between a scoff and a giggle "if anybody's snatched it's you, from the cradle!" I laugh at him and playfully smack his arm "Troye Sivan I am no cradle snatcher!" He turns to me pulling me towards my bedroom "sure about that Tilly? There are a few things an 18 year old is good for you know!" Troye says winking pushing me flat onto my bed.

Tyler's POV
Troye took control for second time in three days he was so hot! Maybe this time he would carry his actions through... Troye pushed me onto the bed and straddled my hips "You ready for this baby?...." He whispered in my ear "....ready to be destroyed" he said biting his lip. My entire body shudders, I can't believe what Troye just said "Destroy me, do it" I pant out slowly and lustful "I'll treat you like the slut you always were" Troye moans grinding down hard onto me. He kissed down my torso stopping just above the waistband of my sweatpants, tightly he grabbed the waistband between his teeth and pulled them down maintaining solid eye contact 'accidentally' knocking my crotch with his nose on the way. I closed my eyes for what felt like 9 simple seconds of bliss and opened my eyes to find myself completely naked without my knowing how Troye had managed it so fast without me noticing "Troye ho-"
"Shut up slut, no talking" he cut me off. Damn! I let out a deep breath and run my hands down Troye's sides "uh uh no touching" Troye says pushing my hands up behind my head.

within a second Troye slammed his lips against mine his tongue invading my mouth I let out a gentle "mmm" and Troye planted a hard slap against my thigh "" Troye said heavy breathed and flushed in-between kisses. Troye pulled back and immediately I missed his lips on mine, I pushed my hands up to his head attempting to pull his head back down but Troye restrains me sticking to his strict dominance. Troye lifted off of my hips so no part of him was touching me, I felt so lonely "Dance for me slut" Troye whispered against my lips getting up, removing his clothes and sitting on a chair in the corner of my room, "I said dance whore" he was so hot! I get up from my bed arousal heavy between my thighs and hit play on my iPod, Grind on me by pretty Ricky started playing and I sung my hips to the beat, moving slowly towards Troye "you really are my slut aren't you?" Troye said and I nodded "say it" Troye demands "I'm your dirty little slut, Troye yours only" Troye bit his lip and grabbed my hips in his hands as he began to rap quietly and almost softly along with the song.

"Step One: You're kissin' on me
Step Two: boy, I'm caressin' your body
Step Three: Now I'm lickin' off the whipped cream
Step Four: And oooh you're grindin' on me"

To be continued since I did promise Friday at it's early this time is not a teaser you will be seeing some troyler 'sexy time' so wow dominant!troye after the troyler kiss we all know to hell Troye won't bottom!! Got some control in him , everybody wanted it in tumblr so I took the opportunity and slipped it in
So yeah hope you enjoyed it as always opinions and suggestions welcome :) your thoughts mean so much to me! I am writing part two at the moment so enjoy the formatting of my work has changed as I'm uploading mostly from my phone rather than my laptop for time reasons if it's confusing and you want me to switch back let me know. So yeah if you got this far to let me know if anybody bothers reading these comment 'Troye sivan is a fat virgin!' Goodbye xx - S

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