Please Tilly please

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Troye's POV

I stand in pure shock for a solid 20 seconds, my Tyler, who would do this, how! what had happened to my baby I run over to Tyler falling to my knees in front of his face, spots of blood running from his cheek and eyebrow "TILLY WAKE UP" I shout, my words tear bitten and choked "Wake up" I whisper stroking over the blood stained bump on his head, wiping my tears I grab my phone and dial 911 "Hello 911 what's your emergency"

"Hello it's my boyfriend"


Tyler's POV

The lights are so bright and I can feel the cold needle being pressed into my arm, the beeping of a heart monitor plays repeatedly in the back if my head as my body is pulled around by several doctors all yelling and rushing around "TYLER" I hear a muffled shout from a side of the room but I can't figure out where but it sounds like Troye MY TROYE I want to hold him but I can't my arms and legs feel heavy like they're glued to this cold hospital bed and my head pounds like it's still hitting the wall over and over, my wrists and back are still stinging from the grip and the force "NO, I WONT LEAVE" Troye screams his voice strained like he's been crying as they pull Troye put of my room everything darkens again

Troye's POV

Three hours since Tyler has gotten to hospital they won't tell me anything! I've walked this corridor a thousand times over and nobody will tell me anything, they've done so many tests on Ty in suprised they don't know what he had for breakfast last week, I've heard he blacked out again but I just want MY baby, I stare down at his jersey on my skinny frame and a tear nearly falls from my eye as I clutch the fabric Yet another nurse passes me this one with a smile much like the others, I call it 'the hospital smile' where what it means is 'we know you love them and care but chances are if we told you the truth you'd cry and we don't need to deal with that' I hate that smile. I walk back over into my cold plastic chair placed in the empty corridor of the hospital I drop my elbows to my knees and rest my face in my hands letting out a deep sigh "shit Tilly what is happening to us" I mumble to myself.

"Mr Oakley?" and older brunette make says to me tapping my shoulder "huh? yeah that urmm.. I'm Mellet but I'm with Mr Oakley yes?" the man pulls his clipboard into his torso and places a second chair next to mine turning into me "Now Mr urmm... Mellet, Tyler suffered some nasty cuts to his face, despite his blackouts we have him in a stable condition. The good news is everything seems to be fine just a few cuts and bruises, however Mr Mellet the bad news is Tyler may require a counsellor to overcome the trauma of this situation, the blackouts were simply due to panic as most rape victims experien-" Tyler was raped? When! "Excuse me, RAPE What the hell are you talking about! THIS IS NOT OKAY I FOUND MY BOYFRIEND IN THIS STATE ON THE FLOOR OF OUR BEDROOM AND YOUR TELLING ME HE WAS RAPED!" I shout at the nurse as I jump out of my seat in shock pacing my hands behind my head tears welling up in my eyes "Mr Mellet please" the nurse says gesturing me to my seat, sitting back down my lags shake and I drop my hands to my lap "So what now? I've been told my baby's been raped and I can't see him?" I let out shakily a tear running down my cheek "Mr Mellet if you wish I can take you down to see Mr Oakley, if you would like, however you must remain calm these things take time to rebuild" another tear falling down my cheek I stand up and wipe my palms nodding at the nurse "I need to see him"

The corridors are barren and they smell clinical, the staff look sympathetically as I make my way to Tyler's room his jersey clutched Inbetween my fists. we arrive at Tyler's room and I can't hold back my tears any longer my baby was behind that door and I had no idea how he was or why this had happened to him "I'll give you a moment alone" the nurse says opening Tyler's door and gesturing the second nurse out, I walk into Tyler's room and stop at the foot of his bed, this wasn't my Ty, he was swollen and red with stitches across his cheek and head his glasses are off and his body is pale, I walk over to him holding his hand in mine, he's still as warm as my Tyler and his touch is the same, I lean forward and kiss his forehead "Wake up" I whisper to him placing my other hand on his wrist "Please Tilly...Please"

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