Our last night

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(Quick A/N texts will be in bold italics for this chapter)

Tyler's POV

It had been an hour since we'd told my Mom about us and she was still skipping around smiling, Troye was sat next to me on the couch under my arm playing with the hem of my shirt. My mom walked over and sat on the couch opposite us, I was going to miss her "I have work early tomorrow so I'll miss you leave.. therefore I've decided I'm taking the two of you out for dinner tonight at olive garden be ready at seven" Mom always put other people first "Oh Mom you have work in the morning, you don't have too!" Troye pats my chest and sits more up right "No Tyler! I insist, Anyway we can use your departure as a celebratory dinner for you and Troye, be ready for seven ok?" Troye and I nod it's six now so we have enough time.

(time skip to the restaurant)

Clinking of glasses, knives, forks, shouts at waiters, chatter of people, jeers and laughter.. 
I could go on, but next to Troye it all dims out until it's almost inaudible. Mom and Troye are chatting away about Australia and Troye's feeling for me pre-trip, I fail to hear the majority of what he's saying as I get lost staring at his face but I manage to catch "I knew he was for me,I was madley in love with a boy who would never even consider me,but look at us now!" Troye says as i pull him closer by the waist and he settles his head into my neck. We ordered and my Mom exquesed herself to the bathroom, Troye pulled out his phone and my mine buzzes

Troye- Hey baby ;) xxx

I look at him strange but he nods down to his phone, I guess were texting through dinner tonight!

Tyler- Babe why are we texting? xxx

Troye- There's somethings you cant say aloud in public ;) xxx

Tyler- Sivan are you attempting to sext me? xxx

Troye- Not attempting baby, you look so hot today ;) xxx

Troye looks up and smiles to my Mom "Sorry boys, oh i will have to have my mobile out on the table tonight, sorry for the interuptions, buissness issues" 

Tyler- Why thanks, you look so hot, but do we have to do this now my Mom just came back xxx

"No Problem Mom i felt rude only me having mine out anyway ahaha" I say slightly nervously.

Troye-There's never a wrong time, plus if your mum wasn't here I would jump across these seat and on you right now ;) xxx

Tyler- God Troye please xxx

Troye- OH so your begging Tyler, That's a nice tie your wearing we should use that later ;) xxx

Tyler-Jesus christ Troye! xxx

Troye- That's what you'll be yelling later ;) xxx 

I read Troye's last text and my eyes widen just as our food arrives I lock my phone and place it on the table to eat, Troye does the same but turns to me and smirks.We begin eating and Troye makes several phalic remarks somehow un-noticed by my mother! "One moment I need to go to the bathroom" Troye says winking at me, I know where this is going and i dont want to like it! "Tyler Honey" My Mom says after checking Troye has gone "He's a nice boy baby, don't hurt him, and don't let him hurt you ok? I'm so so happy you founf somebody you love, im here everystep of the way ok?" She takes my hands in hers "I'd never hurt him Mom and he wouldn't me ok? and yeah I really love him" I smile and my phone vibrates, yep Troye i unlock it and find a picture of Troye in the bathroom, fully nude, My phone buzzes again

Troye- Get ready for tonight babe ;) xxx

"Who was that hunny?" shit urmm "Oh just a phone network text aha" Smooth Tyler! Troye walks back to the table "Hi, Sorry about that" We finish our food and order after dinner drinks

Tyler- What exactly are you planning Sivan? xxx

"Oh my goodness Tyler, I'm so sorry work called me in, theres a problem I need to be at work in an hour so I'll be leaving after I've finished my coffee" good or bad? "okay Mom I'll call you when I get to LA anyway so I'll speak to you in a few hours okay? I'll get a taxi home with Troye" Mom nodded and continued sipping on her coffee texting about work.

Troye- Well now it's just us, the plan has got easier ;) xxx

Tyler- Oh really and what would that be T ;) xxx

Troye- Let's just say while I was packing I found some hancuffs....they're strong ;) xxx

"Well boys I best be off talk to you soon " Mom gets up and I walk over to hug her tightly "Im going to miss you Mom" I say and she pulls Troye into the hug "You too baby, you too" she pulls away and waves goodbye before she pays and leaves, I call a cab and wait outside with Troye for it to arrive.

Tyler- Sivan you kinky bitch ;) xxx

Troye- Oh if you say so slut ;) xxx

Tyler- What did you call me? xxx

Troye- Whatever I want, im in charge xxx

Troye winks at me and I giggle, the taxi pulls up and I help Troye up from the curb "Time to go home baby" He says as he pulls me into the cab.

Troye's POV

We burst into the front door, kissing I pull on Tyler's hair and push him into the wall "You're mine now slut get upstairs and undressed before I get there ok?" Tyler franticly nods and runs upstairs, i've got him under control now.

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