Flying home (part two)

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Tyler's POV
I fell asleep on Troye's shoulder, I was awoken by the flight attendant asking for Troyes autograph, cute "can you make it out to Annie" the young girl said, she had blonde hair tied up into a tight bun and adorable round glasses on her face "oh hi Tyler!" She said "Oh I urmm loved your glasses so much I picked similar ones from warby Parker under your hook up" I smiled at her "thats so cool!" Annie smiled, said thankyou and walked away handing us each a small bottle of beer and winking "she seemed nice" Troye said turning to me "but don't worry not as nice as you" I blush and lay back down on his shoulder.

"Ladies and gentleman we are now landing, Thankyou for flying with us enjoy your trip" comes from the planes speakers I turn to Troye and grab his hand "let's go home baby" he smiles "to our home" Troye says smiling.

Troye's POV
We get in a taxi outside LAX on our way to Tyl..Our apartment.we get home in an hour, Tyler grabs both our suitcases from the boot of the taxi and walks towards the door kissing me before opening the door. "Ready?" he asks "ready!" I say and Tyler unlocks the door turning on the living room light "SURPRISE TYLER" wait what??Korey is sat on Tyler's couch "KOREY what are you doing here??" Tyler says, my thoughts exactly "I moved to LA, surprise!" Tyler smiles and runs up to hug Korey "Korey you know Troye...he's is living with me know" Ty says walking over to me and putting his arm round my waist "were dating" Tyler announces smiling and softly kissing my lips.

Short chapter to progress the story I haven't updated in a bit since Ive been busy but here is part two,ill be back with a new chapter by Friday I promise have a good week and message me opinions and suggestions ;) - S

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