Over 11,000 miles baby

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Troyes POV

" Mum where's my coat? " shit my flight leaves in an hour, I'm rushing around the house panicking the anticipation that in under 24 hours I can see Tyler, touch Tyler and just be with him is starting to feel like reality again "Troye why an earth would you want your coat, we do live in Australia you know?" I didn't tell mum did I fuck, if she's knows it's Tyler she'll be OK right? "Mum I'm catching a flight to Michigan in less than an hour... To see Tyler, I know I've only been home a week but I need to do this Mum, you understand right" she's let's put a brief sigh "I'll get the coat and the keys, you grab your bag and get your ass in that car" my Mum is the best woman in the entire world I swear "Thank you Mum " we share a brief hug before she hurries me along, Tyler I'm on my way!

Tyler's POV

Troye is really coming! To my family home! He's gonna meet my Mom shit! Does Jackie ship Troyler?? What if she hates him or they don't get along!? Tyler breath,calm everything is gonna be o..."Oh hey Mom,how was lunch?" I need to tell her Troye was on his way "Lunch was lovely Tyler! See Debbie was there and her son Devon he just came out..." I know where this is going 'oh Ty he's your age you'll be perfect together plus you can move back home oh it would be perfect' my Moms still talking but I can zone her out . So Mom Troye's on his way so I can seduce him and make him my boyfriend hmm too forward oooh how about Mom.. Ah I'll just go with my gut "So he's perfect for you Ty!" Perfect blah blah of course .

"Mom can you please just sit with me for a minute" great now she's suspicious "Ty Hunny you haven't sat me down since you came out, is something wrong? Do you have AIDS' because I still love you" AIDS what the fuck who does she think I'm with " Mom no ew, I just need you to listen OK? Troye, Troye Sivan from YouTube is on his way over here to see me, before you say anything, we need to spend time together talking" she's taking this surprisingly well " Hunny I will always support you, you know that but isn't Troye a bit young for you?" He's 18 it's not illegal "Mom I'm not gonna take his virginity or anything, I just need to talk to him,is that OK?" She' nods and whispers "It's OK with me, I love you Ty" I don't understand why I was so worried she's taking it perfectly fine! "WHOOOO HASHTAG TROYLER" my Mom screamed from the kitchen and there it goes.

Troyes POV

35 minutes until my plane leaves, we pull up in the airport car park, my Mum looks over at me and places a hand on my knee she gently squeezes it " Go get him T, Chase what you really want" I smile at her "I love you Mum" she nods back at me and I grab my bags, I run through the airport at rapid speeds barely making it past security "Sorry sir but you have too many liquids, were going to have to confiscate your lubri..." Shit shit shit 10 minutes "I will give you twenty dollars to be quiet and let me go" I rapidly zipped up my case and handed the man $20. Damn can this get any more embarrassing, yes I packed lube....you never know!

-On the plane -

Mm I did it I'm on my way to Tyler, I take out my phone and take a selfie, I text it to Tyler captioned 'can't wait to see you it's getting hard to control ;)'

It's my best attempt at being remotely sexy, plus I know Tyler wants it so I'm going to make him ache for it. It was gonna be a long flight so I took out my headphones and went to sleep listening to Lana del ray Summertime sadness.

*Troyes Dream*

"Babe, your here!" I got to Tyler finally "now I have a surprise for you baby.." Haha "oh really I smirked" Tyler stood in front of me in only black boxers "unwrap your present baby" damn "OOOHH Tyler baby" this man got me so "flight 3790 to Michigan landing in 5 minutes, that's 5 minutes Thank you"


Damn just at the good part.. Wait what am I saying I just had a minor erotic dream about Tyler on a plane I wonder if I said anything or if anybody heard, the girl I was say next to turned over to me and whispered "OOOHH Tyler baby" she giggled and I went the darkest shade if red great I not only had an inappropriate dream about my best friend/ crush/ maybe future lover thing man gah Tyler but I moaned his name load enough to hear, this is worse than the lube situation!

Tyler's POV

I'm stood at his gate at the airport waiting, there he is Tyler the man of your sexiest, wildest and most secret dreams standing right Therese both take a few steps forward taking a moment to stare into each other's eyes? They're beautiful I take him by the waist and pull him into a tight hug, his slim arms latch around my neck and he whispers in my ear "Mine" I pull back and whisper against his lips "Always" in that moment I think we both knew the feeling was there, deep inside us we always knew how the other felt, it only took those two simple words, our words mine, always. I glided my left hand up to his cheek and my lips hovered over his our hot breath mingling for a few seconds before he closed the space in between the kiss was short but filled with so much passion and built up lust we both pulled away and rested our foreheads together in the middle of the airport "Let's go home baby" his eyes lit up and he ran one hand down my chest "Oh Tyler, Baby"

He's the one, I know it (Troyler)Where stories live. Discover now