Hi everyone my name is Tyler Oakley..

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I'm aware it has been well over a week but im sorry and im back! I actually have an announcement at the end of this chapter do stay with me!


Tyler's POV
With shaking hands I secure my camera on my tripod a two feet in front of my couch, adjusting the focus of my camera I look up at Troye “Are you ready to do this?” I ask . "It’s been a month now since we started officially dating, im so ready, but i'm just so nervous Tilly" Troye says looking up at me whilst scratching at the sides of his hands, i knew he was nervous but people had seen us, we had to do it eventually. We weren't going to tell any of our friends we were going to let them see the video.That was the only problem we hadn’t told anyone about their relationship, other than our parents. Pressing the record button on my camera i walk up to Troye and sit next to him leaning in to whisper in his ear "It's filming, I know deep down you want to do this, we have each other nothing can tear us down, Just tell them how you feel!" Pulling away from Troyes ear I grab both of his hands "Show them!" I say to him now smirking “Oh stop it.” Troye says wrapping his arms around my neck. “Don't be nervous! Remember hashtag Troyler!” I say wiggling my shoulders Troye giggles at me and says "Shut up and kiss me already!" lunging forward and capturing my lips in a breathless kiss, after ten seconds I realized i had started recording previously and pulled away from Troye turning my body round to face the camera as did Troye "Hey everyone my name is Tyler Oakley and I'm here with the gorgeous talented wonder full..." I say holding my hands out towards Troye "Troye Sivan!" He finishes "And we have some explaining to do!" ..........................

...“It’s true, it happened just like that!...” Troye says. Looking at me and smiling "...He stole my heart, just like I did his" I reach over to Troye and kiss him gently on the cheek "I've been waiting to do that in a video forever!" I giggle dragging my bottom lip into my mouth with nerves , Troye pulls my face round "Me too" he says pulling me into a heated kiss, I kiss back for a moment before trying to break away but Troye pulls me back closer by my jaw, pushing on his chest i manage to break away quickly letting out a breathless "Bye Y'all, take the time to subscribe an.." Troye interrupt's me with his signature "BYYYEEE" Followed by a cute wink before he pulls me back into a kiss I swing my arm out towards the camera mumbling about turning it off whilst Troye giggles.

~Twenty minutes later~

I move the cut slider across the video until it reaches my intro just as I'm about to crop the video Troye shouts "Don't cut out the first kiss!" I look up at Troye puzzled "It's cute and...it really shows us as a relationship" Troye hesitates "Okay baby, whatever you want" I say smiling at Troye and cancelling the crop.

~2 Hours later~

Troye's POV

“Ready?” Tyler said to me twisting my phone in his palm. “I’ll tweet an announcement , you double check every things right with the videos” I said to Tyler passing him the laptop, we had set the video to upload to both of our channels in separate windows so all our fans could find out together..“Okay baby" Tyler said double checking the titles and descriptions of the videos, Tilly read me the title of his video first "Okay mines called, Things Y'all needed to know" And i nod at him waiting for my title "And yours princess is My real coming out!" I have to admit it was a good title, finishing Typing my tweet I pass my phone for tyler so he can proof read it, "Yeah baby it's great, I'll re-tweet it then we'll upload the videos??" I nod and Tyler hits post on our tweet

@troyesivan: I have something i  think you guys are going to freak for! This one means alot! ready @tyleroakley ?

Immediately his phone buzzes and my tweet displays on his screen "You have notifications on for me?" I ask blushing shyly Tyler responds "I couldn't help not knowing what you where tweeting about" I  pull Tyler in for a gentle kiss and we preview our thumbnail, we chose the same simple thumbnail, to avoid giving the video away we went with a simple picture of the two of us   “Okay I think  it's ready .” Tyler said as he stared at the laptop screen he moved his cursor to click upload and i placed my hand over his "wait" I whisper and we sit silently hands above the upload button with a video ready post for two minutes before I turn to Tyler and look him straight in the eye he looks back at my and places his spare hand on my shoulder "Okay?" I say to him "Okay" He responds pushing down on the post button. “I'm scared Ty" I say to Tyler shaking slightly, Tyler places the laptop on the floor and scoots closer to me, wrapping his arms around the base of my head he pulls me cross legged into his chest where I sit breathing heavily. After five minutes both mine and Tyler's phones were blowing up with texts and missed calls from our YouTube friends, Tyler lifts me out of his arms and passes me my phone I have 29 unread messages just from our YouTube friends and another 16 from my close friends and family.

He's the one, I know it (Troyler)Where stories live. Discover now