What happened last night? (Conrey involved)

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 Korey's POV
My head thumps as I toss onto my side. I hit hard against a weight slumped around my lower back and a pair of damp lips scattering across my neck , startled I open my eyes wide to find conner bare kissing my neck both arms wrapped around my waist looking down I soon realize I'm but naked and frantically look around the room searching for a clue to where the hell I am "morning baby" Connor whispers in my ear shuffling slightly I feel a warm body against mine, Connors naked too shit! As I push my head back into Tyler's couch a sharp pain shoots through my head and I let out a painful gasp and I catch a glimpse of a vase fallen over on the floor, I was still at Tyler's?

"w-what happened last night?" I ask Connor raising my hands to wipe my eyes "I'm surprised you don't remember considering were both still on Tyler's couch in the same state" Connor says stroking my chest, images if last night flash back through my head, Connors voice and my own, clear images of Connor in my mind "shit!" I say letting out a deep breath and sitting up "we urmm..didn't we" I turn round to where Connor is now sat up "we did..and it was great" Connor says lunging forward and capturing his lips in mine, shocked I push Connor off and he looks at me puzzled "do you not want me now You're sober?" Connor says looking hurt "No I jus.. I thought you were straight" Conner grabs my hand and laces his fingers in mine "yeah I thought I was too, but I'd love it if you'd let me call you mine" Connor says to me quietly not to wake Tyler and Troye "I'm sure I can do that" I say latching my arms around Conmors neck pulling him in for one last kiss "shit we need to go before Troyler wakes up so how's about we leave a note to explain and maybe go get some 'I'd love to get to know you' coffee??" Connor says getting up and running to put his jeans on I wolf whistle at him and he giggles "c'mon I'll get a paper and pen you write the note" having written out note (a/n note on side) I grab Connors hand and sneak out if Tyler's apartment still blushing and in denial .

Tyler's POV
Yet again I wake up with my princess bundled in my arms and the California sun shining through the curtains, Troye has become the highlight of my day, the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night, my princess is my light and without him I wouldn't be able to see such beautiful things in such ordinary places, Troye turns further into my chest and I place a gentle kiss on his forehead "good morning beautiful" I say to him stroking his hair "Good morning Tilly" he says looking up at me "ouch" he exclaims and I giggle at him "the alcohol or the love?" I say to Troye raising an eyebrow "both!" He says wrapping his arm round my chest and nuzzling further into me after a few minutes of just cuddling Troye turns to face the ceiling "so, we did it" he whispers "were officially out" Troye smiles at me "we are baby! And I've never been happier!" Troye picks our phones up from the floor and passes me mine "but what about the fans?" He says unlocking our phones.

"Shall I read find of the tweets out baby?" I ask Troye taking his phone and placing it back on the floor "okay read them from yours as they all mention both of us" Scrolling through my 1568+ Mentions the response is generally the same so I read Troye five before I find an interesting one "here's a good one baby.. @alexcover OMG yes!! Guys congratulations I'm do proud and so happy I love you #Troylerisreal " Troye smiles and points at the next tweet "how about that one?" He says "okay @hpfan2014 OMG I CANT HANDLE THIS IM CRY #Troylerisreal " Troye turns over letting out a happy sigh "keep reading" he says snuggling into the duvets, I scroll down to read a tweet but read it in my head first '@why-r-u-here eww wtf you fags!! That's so fucking gross I like you before but now! Not a chance' holding back tears I lock my phone and put it down, it's just a hater I don't care, just as long as Troye doesn't find out! "Baby why did you stop?" Troye asks turning towards me "oh, they're just all the same" I say grinning at Troye "seriously Tyler what's wrong?" He says reaching out for my phone "nothing!" I say tickling Troye "Ty-ty Stop!" Troye laughs grabbing my arms, I keep tickling him and Troye rolls over to far grabbing me as he falls onto the floor pulling me down on top of him "let's go get some breakfast!" Troye says "my head hurts" pushing me off Troye gets up and lumps forward "oh and something else" I laugh at him and get up slapping his butt on the way past "still can't handle it huh" I mock Troye winking "Shut up!" He shouts after me.

"What shall we do to ditch this hangover hell today??" Troye says jumping up on the kitchen counter "well" I start, handing Troye a plate of toast "We could go to that little coffee place down the street to cure our heads!" Troye takes a bite if his toast "perfect" he says with a mouth full if toast, jumping down and walking to the living room "you may be cute but that's still fucking gross" I day to Troye walking in behind him "you love me" he replies "well yeah you've got me there" I answer flopping down next to Troye, turning on the tv we sit together eating breakfast "wait a minute Tyler?" Troye says looking down at me "yeah?" I respond "where are Connor and Korey?!" Oh shit "oh my goodness yes" Troye get up and looks for any evidence they were ever here "wait what's this?" Troye says picking up a pink piece of paper with writing in it Troye starts reading "dear Troyler,We Thank you for last night sorry about the vase, oh and were pretty sure there's nothing on the cou...ch" Troye says turning around wide eyed, coughing I shoot up off if the couch and run to the note "let me see this, we had to leave but we just want to say something special happened last night and we owe that to you!" I start as Troye walks over picking up the knocked over vase and making his way back over to me placing his chin on my shoulder and warping his arms around me waist "everything happens for a reason and I think I found my reason, we'll call you soon, love Conrey (ps still so so sorry about the couch)" I turn to Troye laughing in shock and happiness "he's happy Troye! This is so great!" I say jumping forward into Troyes arms "it's great who would think Conrey would happen?.....but seriously I think we need to get the couch cleaned!" I nod at Troye and clean up our breakfast, getting ready to go get coffee.

-at coffee-

I never really go out for coffee, but I feel like today can be an exception, it's at least 100 degrees outside so hot drinks are off the menu, settling for iced coffee me and Troye make our way over to the street corner if the little joint just on the edge of a parasol and sit down together waiting for our drinks, "We should tweet, a Thank you message" Troye says looking at me through his dark round glasses "we should I'll do it and tag you yeah?" Troye nods and waves over the Barrister shouting "order number 47" Approaching our table the barristers hands shake slightly and her eyes widen so far you'd be surprised they were still in her head "YOUR .T-T.. Who Kaitlin calm " she says placing our dunks down "I'm a big fan by the way" she says shyly "the video was great by the way, I love you..I-I'm sorry I'll go" she says awkwardly turning away "Kaitlin" Troye says as she turns away "Thanks for the coffee, and the support, come see us if you want anything okay?" Troye says smiling and winking at the girl before she giggles and runs back inside, she couldn't have been any older than 17, her smile was adorable and her support was genuine that meant a lot to us!

"Okay babe how does this sound?" I say catching Troyes attention "@TylerOakley were both so happy y'all took this so well, finally we can be ourselves around everyone! We love you as much as we can now love each other, thank you guys! @troyesivan" Troye nods at me smiling "It's perfect tweet it" Troye says looking off across the street so I post the tweet and grab his hand "How's your head?" I ask adjusting my own sunglasses "it feels a lot better what about yours then, considering you drunk at least 6 extra shots than me?" Rubbing the back of my head I turn to look at Troye "surprisingly painless? Wow this coffee is magic!" I say overly dramatic making Troye laugh. Troye stops laughing and looks down at his phone "Oh Ty my dad just tweeted at us" he says to me "well what did he say?" I ask waiting to hear what Shaun was going to give the fangirls now "he said.." Troye starts "@shaunsivan when the hell are you two coming to see me I want my OTP! #Troylerisreal @tyleroakley @troyesivan " Thinking for a minute I put my cup of coffee down "next month" I say to Troye as he looks confused "let's go next month, to Australia I can book the tickets now and we can be in Perth by the 8th?" Troye nods at me a leans across the table exited "I LOVE YOU TILLY!" He shouts kissing my head in an over dramatized manor "I know you do, and it's a good job I feel the same!" I say already looking for flights for my princess.


YES for once i promised a chapter and i delivered on time ;) Yeah so what do you guys think of the whole Conrey situation, and why is Tyler being so protective over Troye?... As always please vote comment and tell your friends, the promo video is on the side panel of previous chapters and im thinking about a 2nd video? let me know what you think! I love you guys so much! thanks for reading!
And a special thank you to @alexcover and @hpfan2014 for letting me use their twitter user names in this chapter go over and follow them their both super cute! so show them some love, peace out - S

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