The things you tell me late at night

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In just gonna leave this here
Tyler's POV

He dosen't love you Tyler
He never has
and he never will
your not good enough
Troye's perfect your just and ugly, Fat, annoying, clingy, awkward,showoff fag!
The voices were teens, young adults, college majors, Fans, viewers.
They hate me
I'm not good enough

I wake up drenched in sweat shaking, a tear runs down my cheek and my breathing becomes erratic, before I know it tears are streaming down my face and my body aches all over "Tr-tr-Troye" I breath out my hands twitching,I just needed him to hold me, i felt safest in his arms "Baby what!" Troye says shooting up in our bed, he looks at my shaking body and tear stained face in horror my eyes closed as he pulls me into his chest "Shhhh, Shhhh Baby calm down" Troye moves to sit cross legged in front of me I continue to cry into Troye my shaky hands clutching onto Troyes arms "Baby breath" Troye says grabbing the sides of my face and lifting it up so I'm looking at him " deep breath" He says to me placing my hand on his chest allowing me to mimic his breath easier, my breathing calms and I lower my face into Troye's lap, the voices playing over in my head 'ugly, Fat, annoying, clingy, awkward,showoff fag!' Troye lifts my head once again and whispers to me "Baby whats wrong can you tell me?" he was so concerned for me the voices had to be wrong they had to be! But maybe they weren't! I nod frantically at him and he wipes a last tear away from my eye with his thumb "Th-the voices Troye,, i-in my dreams , wh-when i get stressed or worried they, they talk to me and taunt me" Troye looks me dead in the eye and asks "What do they say Tilly?" I look down and chew my lip in anxiety "u-ugly, f-f-fFat.....annoying, c-clingy, awk-awkward,sh-shh-showoff fag.."

Troye lets out a deep sigh and lets out his own tear Baby! You are none of those things! not even one! You! are perfect! Beautiful, Interesting, smart, loving, loved! confident, gay and proud as you always should be!" Maybe he's right "They are the voices of fans the play from comments i've read, they say that y-you d-dont l-love me and y-you never will, that I-I'm not g-good enough" I sniff and Troye grabs both of my hands interlocking our fingers "Tilly YOU are the most perfect human being i've ever met!" Troye says through gritted teeth " I love you more then anything in the entire world ok! I'm SO lucky to have you! I've told you so many times I've always loved you from the second i say that perfect face and from the first time i heard your flawless laugh and your cute jokes, your everything to me and I will always love you no matter what happens, if people don't support us they don't support us but they mean nothing to us, that haters don't matter! It's ME and YOU now and forever!"

I nod and smile at him, I don't understand why i have doubts but Troye is just so flawless i worry he'll find somebody different, somebody better! But i love my baby and he loves me "Go to sleep baby its 4am and we have friends to meet tomorrow OK?" Troye says rubbing my back I just nod back and lay down as he pulls me under his arm. I cuddle into him and whisper "I love you" He whisper back "You have no idea how much I love you" before we both fall back asleep.


A/N This was a short one, I don't think Tyler is ugly, Fat, annoying, clingy, awkward,showoff fag! or anything negative! its purely fiction for the plot. Honestly Tyler changed and kinda saved my life threw everything i went through he influenced me and inspired me and just taught me its not only ok but important to be yourself! Tyler is everything but in this story i felt i needed i more vulnerable darker scene to cut up all the light hearted cuddle now that Tyler has really opened up to Troye and i felt that was important to progress their relationship :) I love you all!!!!! -S xx

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