Dinner and a movie

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Tyler's POV

With Troye being gone the only thing I could do was sleep so I slept, when I woke up my wrists were untied and my bed sheets were pulled up over my naked body "morning sleeping beauty" Troye whispers in my ear having snuck round the door,he's wearing my baseball jersey and he looks amazing! I hum in response and he sits down next to me stroking my hair "So, Tilly" Troye starts "I take it you didn't enjoy your punishment huh" I shake my head and Troye strokes my chest "well your dominant side is hot as hell,like that jersey and I hope to see you put that side of you into serious action very soon" Troye giggles and gets up "Oh soon you'll see babe, just wait now get up I've cooked us dinner you can pick a movie" Troye gets up and I walk over to my dresser and grabs pair of boxers and an oversized 'booty' sweatshirt from Troye's new merch he didn't know I'd ordered it as a surprise.

I walk into the living space we have to ourself it's our last night before we fly back out to LA. Troye is placing our plates on the table he's cooked tacos YUM! I walk behind him wrapping my arms around his waist "hey baby" I say rocking our hips side to side, Troye turns in my arms and looks down at my baby blue booty sweatshirt, his grin doubles "you bought my sweatshirt?" Troye says smiling I release him and step back twirling "you like it?" I say posing for him "I love it, it looks so great on you" he says smiling "let's eat our tacos then well pick a movie to watch" I say before kissing Troye's soft lips and sitting down.

Troye's POV

As we are I just stared at Tyler he looked so hot in my merch it was so cute that he bought it "hey princess take a picture it will last longer" Tyler says giggling as he notices my fixed gaze on him, having finished eating we get up and Tyler walks into the kitchen putting our plates in the dishwasher wiggling his perfect ass as he bends over, he's wearing tight black briefs and man do they look good, he skips into the lounge grabbing my hand pulling me along with him, I crash down onto the couch and Tyler pulls brokeback mountain from the cabinet put it in the DVD player. He jumps onto the couch beside me wrapping his arms around my neck and cuddling into me. I run my hand up his thigh and settle it on the inner hem of his briefs, he shudders and snuggles closer into me as we watch the film.


'I wish I knew how to quit you!'


The film finished and Tyler had fallen asleep for the second time today I lifted him by his arms and he woke up enough to walk to his room, we both collapsed on his bed and fell asleep, me in Tyler's baseball jersey and Tyler in my booty jumper. We fly tomorrow so were already packed to fly at noon.

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