Flying home (part one)

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Troye's POV
I peel open my eyelids and roll of to smack off the alarm clock, I can feel the now familiar weight of Tyler on my body. Tyler woke up to the alarm too and we both get up our separate ways to get ready. As I shower my thoughts drift off, it's sad to leave, now I can image what would happen if I never came. I'm leaving this state with my Boyfriend, had I not come on this trip I'd be sat at home again crying over Tyler and how he was too good for me but he rocked my world and this trip changed my life!

Tyler's POV
Troye and I got ready apart to save time as he's too much of a distraction for me not to look at him for five minutes. Before leaving we sat down to write my Mom a note "Mom Thankyou so much for accepting Troye, this trip has meant so much to me! Seeing you again, spending time with my family and now, leaving with my perfect boyfriend. I'm happy Mom and I want you to know that I love you millions and I'm glad I have a Mom as perfect as you, Troye is very grateful and thanks you for everything, love Tyler" I read out to Troye, he nods and puts his chin on my shoulder "it's lovely babe, ooh and we need to go now " Troye says grabbing his bag and jacket.

(The boys drive to the airport holding hands discussing collab upload times)

We arrive at airport security and our bags pass through without a problem. We make our way to the lounge and wait to board our plane. I look over at Troye he's staring into the distance and he looks nervous "babe? You ok??" I ask and he nods clearing his throat and smiling. A few seconds later a girl walks past Troye and mumbles to him "OOH TYLER BABY....I didn't forget...have a nice flight" Troye's eyes widen and he turns to me "what was that about?? Tyler baby?" I question incredibly confused "well" Troye starts "on the way here that Australian girl sat next to me on the plane, it's just so happens she is scheduled on the same flight home..whilst flying I may have possibly had a slightly inappropriate dream, with urmm y-you in it, so by my luck I spoke those words in my sleep loud enough to hear and by my luck I'm explaining it now to you much to my wishes to forget" wow Troye had a dream about me? Yeah that's all the info I took from his speech but a coincidence yes that the same girl is here today "Oh did little Troye have a good dream about me huh?" I ask rubbing Troyes arm teasing him "Shut it blondy it's time to board" Troye says winking and walking off, I run quickly to catch up and we board our plane, see you soon LA

(More time skip, the plane having just took off)
Sitting next to my perfect boyfriend 70,000 feet in the sky I can't help but realise If this was a fan fiction I'd once read Troye and I would have had rough sex in the toilet of this plane but unfortunately, life isn't a fanfiction! "Baby are you ok?" Troye asks turning to me and placing his hand on me knee I nod yes and slide my head into the crook if his neck closing my eyes drifting into my thought once again.

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