MY baby

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Tyler's POV

"So we leave on the 4th or the 5th?" Troye says to me latched onto my arm as we walk towards our apartment "its a surprise Baby, just wait and see!" Troye let's out a loud grunt and I kiss him on the cheek "fine!" He sulks crossing his arms, Reaching into Troyes pocket I grab my keys to unlock the door looking at troye "You love me really princess!" I say to him holding the door open "How ever did you know?" Troye says sarcastically grabbing my face at the door, "Just a lucky guess" I replly wrapping my arms around his waist pulling him closer "Well then you must" Troye whispers his face getting closer to mine with each word "Oh I am!" I smirk back a Troye biting his bottom lip, He lets out a deep moan from the back of his throat and catches my lips inbetween his, lips and tounges gliding over eachother messisly, Troye pulls me inside and slams the door behind us.

Frantically kissing Troye pushes me towards the couch and steps away from me, I push myself up on my forearms and Troye pulls off his Jacket throwing it behind him as he straddles my waist "princess" I breath out latching my hands in Troyes hair as he begins kissing me again.*bang* we hear from our bedroom "what was that!" Troye says pushing himself off if me looking into our room "baby it's just the window don't worry" I say to Troye grabbing under his thighs and pulling him back, he let's out a deep muffled groan as he begins kissing me again, Troye pulls away and places his head on my shoulder mouth on my neck "Hey" I say pulling Troye away from my neck "why don't we go get some food? we haven't cooked here yet?" Troye steps off of me and pulls me up off of the couch "I like that idea Tilly" I smile at him it's a cute idea, I try "BUT,you are waiting here and I am going to buy the stuff so you can get yourself ready!" Troye kisses me on the cheek and grabs the car keys "See you soon babe"

I wasn't just going to sit here whilst Troye ran around so I figured I could go buy him some flowers. I shut and lock the front door making my way to the florists just down the street, I wonder whether I should get Troye roses or carnations but I have no idea when it comes to flowers, but roses are romantic right? Oh shit that walk was fast "hi can I have urm, like 15 massive red roses and one white one?" the lady behind the desk smiled and nodded at me, wow those roses are big! "These for anybody special?" she asks me grabbing the one white rose "yeah they're urm, for my boyfriend" she smiles and hands me the wrapped bochet "how sweet! that will be $45" I grab my wallet and had her $50 Troye is definatley worth every penny I could spend on him! "have a nice day" the lady says to me as if leave "you too"

Troye's POV

Okay so dough, cheese sauce and toppings right? I'm awful at shopping but pizza is simple, cute to make, and fucking delicious. right I've got everything now I just have to pay, load the car, get Tyler's surprise and head home to my beautiful boyfriend "hi!" The cashier greets me as I load my things up onto the conveyor.

Tyler's POV

I open the door to my apartment and place Troyes roses in a vase the white ones are us, because even if there are dozens of people I only see him.I place the vase on the table with a blank note card, I'll write later. I walk to my bedroom to get changed and I freeze in sight

"Please no, please don't be real" I whisper out blinking hard trying to make this nightmare go away "What are you doing here!" I shout "well.." he says walking round me "I've come to claim what's rightfully..." My shoulders seize up as he grabs them "Mine" he whispers in my ear his breath making my body shake in fear and anger "No" I whisper through gritted teeth pulling out of his grasp "what was that baby?" he says stroking down my jaw "NO, I'm not your baby Josh!" I saw grabbing his wrist and chucking it down "Now you have 30 seconds to get out and NEVER come here again! you got that?" I shout at him pointing towards the door "Oh Tilly.." He says circling me once more "You can't call me that" I snap at him "Oh, can't I?" he says grabbing both my hands behind my back he was much stronger than me "I'll call you whatever I want to because you were always my baby, weren't you Tyler?" I let out one small whimper as a tear rolls down my cheek "It's alright baby were only gonna have fun"

Troye's POV

OKAY Troye your beautiful boyfriend is at home, waiting to cook with you, as I get in my car driving home I can only imagine what's going to happen it'll be so cute and perfect because I'm in love with Tyler completely and utterly in love, and I can't wait just to hold him.

Tyler's POV

The pain in my chest wouldn't stop and it just got tighter and tighter as I tried to pull myself up from the floor, why was this happening to us Troye didn't deserve this! Not even I deserved this, in here for me and Troye and this can't happen, my head starts to spin again as the drop of blood runs down my bruised face "...T-Troye.." I whisper out weakly as another tear stings my cheek. "No baby my name is Josh and I'll see you again when I'm ready" Josh says spitefully as he leaves me on the ground of my own bedroom covered in my own blood I hear the front door slam and it's the last thing I remember as everything goes black........

Troye's POV

I park up and open the door to out apartment placing the shopping bags on the counter, I look around for Tyler confused. out of the corner of my eye I see a piece of paper 'I love you so much baby, your surprise is in our bedroom ;)' I put the note down and straighten my shirt making my way to out bedroom and I freeze and fall to my knees at the door "TILLY" I shout.

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