I guess it has to be now

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Tyler's POV
"sleep!" I say to Troye "I think we should just cuddle and sleep" Troye shuffles further towards me a latches his arms around me "ok" he smiles cuddling into me.Slowly we both drift off to sleep in each other's arms.
"WAKE UP TILLY BABY BO TILLY ITS TIME TO WAKE UP ITS 10,10 THE HOUR OF WAKE UP LETS GO OUTSIDE TODAY" the piercing noise of a half sing and half shout echoes through our bedroom waking me up, I feel the bed slumping and rising each side of me, I force open my eyes to see Troye wearing my blue button up and black jeans, feet either side of my things shifting his weight back and forth rocking the bed "what are you doing" I grumble half asleep rolling over into the pillow" the bed makes a squeaking sound and I jolt up rolling over to see Troye laying next to me, "get dressed were going shopping today since my parents are waiting for me to collect my clothes my self I need to buy some essentials, hence my excessive washing habits and current attire!" Troye says happily before bouncing up off the bed and skipping out. I smack my head back into my pillow and groan.

Troye's POV
40 minutes later Tyler emerges from our room showered and dressed his hair perfectly swept into a quiff, his round glasses placed perfectly upon his face, wearing a darker blue button up and black jeans "oh stealing my look are we!" I say looking up from my iphone, Tyler twirls and grabs a pair of toms slipping them on his feet "I think you'll find your wearing my shirt!" Tyler giggles pushing his phone into his back pocket "where are we gonna go?" I say to Tyler getting up from the couch "how about the shopping centre like 10 minutes away it's got some nice department stores?" Tyler suggests "sure " I say slipping on my converse and holding my hand out for Tyler.

Tyler's POV
"You look perfect in them all!" I shout to Troye through the changing room door, the door unlocks and Troye pulls me into the changing room, he wraps his arms around his slim waist "'m too skinny" Troye mumbles I pull Tyler's arms away from his waist "no baby" I say turning Troye around so he can see himself In the mirror "you are beautiful as always all those clothes look so fucking good on you okay?" I say whilst kissing his neck Troye nods and smiles. buying Troye 4 new tshirts 2 shirts and 3 pairs of jeans we walked out clutching numerous bags..

"I'm so glad we got out today babe, it's nice to have some fresh air having been inside and flying for so long!" I smile and Troye and resting my head against his should, I humm in agreement and stroke the side of his hand with my thumb, as we turn to leave the shopping centre I hear a large gasp of "troyler" from a few metres away Troye and I turn to see a group of fangirls clutching iPhones, 'FUCK FUCK FUCK RUN' I think to myself glancing down at mine and Troyes hands Troye signs three of the girls phones and I take a selfie with one before whispering to Troye "we need to go NOW!" Troye gives me a confused look and I say goodbye to the girls, Troye shouting a goodbye and Thankyou as they disperse giggling and showing each other pictures "Shit" I whisper turning away from the group of girls why did we not think about fans!

Quickly I grab Troyes hand tighter and half run round the corner and into the parking lot , franticky I look round for my car and pull Troye towards it "whoa Tilly wh-" he starts before I SHH him I spot my car and run to it still pulling Troye behind me, swiftly I open my door and let go of Troye sinking into my seat and signalling him to get in. Troye closes my door and begins walking round the car, I lean forward and sink my head into my hands and let out a strangled deep breath, quickly after Troye sinks into his seat and places his hand flat on my hunched back "Baby, Tilly, what was all that?!" Troye asks concerned as he begins to rub my back "they saw is Troye" I say muffled into my hands "baby what?" Troye says removing his hand from my back and lifting my head between his hands he holds my cheeks and I raise my hands to sit over his "They saw us Troye, the fans it's going to get out, an-and I panicked because I just don't know what to do, a-are we ready or" Troye places his finger over my lips and leans his forehead against mine removing his finger "shhhh babe, well talk about it when we get home ok?" I nod yes and put my keys into the ignition pulling out of the car park.
The journey home was silent apart from Troyes gentle almost I audible singing to a thousand miles.

I pull my car up into the parking lot of my building and take the keys out of the car I open my door and get out closely followed by Troye, I stand on the pavement for. Moment waiting for Troye before taking his hand in mine our fingers interlocking, I let go of Troyes hand only to unlock the door and walk inside chucking myself on the couch, Troye doesn't sit down immediately and instead starts pacing the living room "Troye calm it down your gonna wear tracks in the flooring!" I say to him but Troye remains silent now shaking his fist up and down before stopping still and standing dead in front if me "We have to Tilly! And It has to be now people have seen us, they've probably taken pictures I- we can't hide anymore we can't be a secret anymore!" Troye chucks himself onto the couch with a large sigh still looking at me, I pick up Troyes hand and kiss it softly "You're right baby we can't hide anymore" I say to him smiley sympathetic I from the corner if my mouth "but only if your ready!" I say to him "I've never been more ready for anything!" Troye replies flashing me a quick smile before kissing my lips. Our lips entwine together and things heat up quickly Troyes tounge running over my bottom lip, I bring my hand up to Troyes chest and push him back "whoa there" I say catching my breath "video or tweet?" I say stroking Troyes upper arm "both" Troyes whispers "we need to do both just tweet after we have filmed you have an announcement, I will too and then we can upload to both our channels" I smile at Troye and pick up my camera "this is finally it!"

SURPRISE GUYS IM BACK!!! Yeah and It feels so so good to write again I love you guys so much 38.3k holy shit guys!!! please comment your responses and ideas and vote I love all you guys :)-S x

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