Only now I realize how lucky I am

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Troye's POV

I woke up to the sound of Tyler's Phone ringing, forcing my eyes open I rolled over from under Tyler's arm and rolled onto the floor forgetting we had slept on the couch and let out a loud husky groan as I hit Tyler's carpet. "Whoa take it easy Princess" Tyler mumbled out is his sexy morning voice. I roll onto by back and pull my knees to my chest, grabbing the side of the couch and pulling myself up. Tyler sits up shuffling round on the couch, he offers me his hand and i take it, Tyler pulling me into his lap "Good morning to my beautiful boyfriend" Tyler mumbles into my neck peppering kisses along my jaw down my neck and across my collar bones "Good morning gorgeous" I say lifting Tyler's head eyes meeting each other we stare into each others eyes for a good five minutes  before either of us makes a sound "Hi" Tyler giggles out grabbing his phone "SHIT, It's noon" Tyler says dropping his phone to my side and his hands on my hips "Whoops" I whisper to him pecking his lips softly and cuddling into his shoulder. "I need to tell you something REALLY important" I say to Tyler "What?" He says "I love you" I whisper in his ear and he blushes. "Promise me something Tilly" I say to Tyler "Never change"

"Baby, as much as i'd love to sit here with you all day i have a meeting with the Trevor project to attend I'll see you when I get back at 5 okay??" Tyler says getting up "Okay Tilly, See you later" I say puffing my bottom lip out in a joking pout.

~~~Tyler leaves for his meeting and Troye's left alone, Troye goes back to sleep until four recovering from his recent sleep deprivation ~~~

I jump into the shower letting the warm water hit my scalp and run down my neck, I scrub my face and just stand in the shower thinking about Tyler. I slide out of the shower and throw a towel around my waist and chuck myself onto our bed smiling madly to myself as it finally kicks in how lucky I am to have Tyler as my boyfriend.

Tyler's POV

I just made it on time to my meeting to discuss my current role in the Trevor project, the meeting is coming to a close and my eyes are glued on the clock, pen frantically tapping the table "That is it for today ladies and gentleman, A special thanks to Mr Oakley for attending today, we look forward to seeing and working with you in the future, have a nice evening" I jump out of my chair and shake hands with the meetings head speaker walking out of the door before sprinting to my car. I couldn't wait to see Troye. The lights turn to red and i slam my breaks on "C'mon C'mon" I whisper to myself tapping my steering wheel, the lights turn green and I smash my accelerator pulling into the parking lot of my apartment 20 minutes later. I frantically pull on my car door jamming the lock "shit" I say opening the door carefully.

slamming the door shut and locking my car I run towards my apartment building, I try to grab my keys fumbling around in my pocket, i drop my keys on the floor and shoot down to get them I burst into the building jamming my keys in the lock to my apartment. I hear faint music in the distance as I walk into the living room I turn the corner and see Troye in my oversized sweater dancing to 'I need a cool rider' from Grease 2. I drop my jacket on the couch and toe off my shoes, still un-noticed by Troye a sing loudly walking up behind him "And if he's cool enough he can burn me through and through whoa whoa" Troye turns with shocked look on his face and blushes hard i pick him up and wrap his legs round my waist "then ill wait forever, no ordinary boy, no ordinary boy is gonna do, i need a rider that cool" I sing pecking Troyes soft lips and placing his feet back on the ground, Troye Runs over to his iPhone and turns the song off "Cringy, oh my gosh im so embarrassed" Troye says covering his red face as he walks back towards me "Perfect, just how I like it" I hug Troye and tell him I missed him. We agree to order pizza for dinner and watch mean girls for the gazzilianth time!

Troye's POV

Our pizza arrived and me and Tilly sat on the couch in front of his new TV, Mean girls playing in the background. I open my pizza box and take out a slice, just as I lift it to my mouth Tyler half shouts "Wait! Troye let me instagram" I guess we never though about the fans, What would they think, what would they assume "Tilly we cant, nobody knows that I even moved, let alone about us!" I say holding Tyler's phone down "Baby, it's okay, we'll just say your staying with me, and handle that later okay?" Tyler says sweetly holding my hand, I look up at him and nod smiling "Now lets take a picture baby" (Picture on side Caption - This Cutie @troyesivan is staying with me for a while, Get that pizza and mean girls on repeat!) "There" Tyler says posting the picture and snuggling into me "Let's eat our pizza" Tyler giggles and turns to the TV screen.


'On Wednesday's we wear pink'  Tyler looks me up and down, "are you wearing any pink?" Tyler asks me sassily ", Bu-"
"It Is Wednesday is it not, I am wearing pink!"  Tyler shoots back pointing at his tie he was wearing from his meeting earlier on, now hanging loosely around his neck. Tyler picks up both of our pizza's placing them on the floor and climbing into my lap straddling me, Tyler begins kissing my neck "Tyler wha-" Tyler then shh's me and continues kissing my neck before biting sharply into the spot of skin just below my ear he bites and sucks on the spot leaving a dark purple mark, "Pink" Tyler says smirking "hmmm I'd say it's more of a purple" I say winking at him "Well then" Tyler says smirking. He lifts his lips to mine and begins kissing me harshly biting on my lips and sucking them raw "How's that for pink!?" Tyler smirks pulling back, I simply groan and rub my sore lips "Eat your pizza lover boy" Tyler says to me shoving a slice of pizza in my mouth "Huuu-Huu-hoo" I Pant as hot sauce runs down my chin, Tyler leans forward and wipes the sauce off of my chin and into his mouth I smile down at him and finish my pizza.


"Im Tired" Tyler says looking up at me, "Well Tilly the films finished so we can just go to bed, even if we have slept for two thirds of today" I giggle at Tyler helping him up from the couch, he grab my wrists and pulls me down onto him placing sloppy kisses on my cheeks "C'mon baby" I say to him pulling him up off the couch, I guide Tyler into our bedroom by his wrists and he collapses on top of the duvet "Baby you need to get up so I can put you under the cover's Tyler chucks himself forwards and stands straight up in under 3 seconds, his head droops forward and he lets out a deep groan I lift the sheets to our bed and undress Tyler to his boxers guiding him under the sheets. Tyler lays sprawled in our bed making grabby hands at me "Cuddle" He mumbles out half asleep and i hop into our bed in only my boxers too and cuddle Tyler to sleep.


A/N Yeah I'm uploading more often now as I'm beginning to write chapters in advance, same with comments votes and suggestions ;) You guys were honestly the best, I hope you all enjoyed the trailer for this story and the last chapter. :) - S

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