Tonight, I Promise *SMUT PART 2*

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A/N people who know me in real life, I'm sorry, it was asked for. I tried no matter how uncomfortable it was I did it for you guys so here you go part 2 of smut :)


Tyler's POV

"You're so beautiful." I brought my mouth to Troyes ear, and licked and bit the shell of his ear. "So fucking sexy I want you every moment of the day." I whispered to him and Troye forcefully bucked his hips up at that and released a sound similar to a whimper. "Likewise." His voice sounds deeper than usual raspy and sexy "You have no idea how hard it was sometimes having to resist the urge to throw myself all over you and just touch you." my grip on his butt tightens as Troye kisses me with passion. Our lips move frantically, caressing and tasting one another, but I slow down and pull away,making things move a bit quicker.I reach my hands above Troye's head and untie his bound hands I pull his wrists down and place a tender kiss on each one before shuffling back from him. "You want it, baby?" Troye said smirking, that cheeky shit! But damn did he turn me on slowly swaying his hips as he kneeled in front of me.

I leaned my forehead against his, nodding repeatedly. "Yes," Im practically begging for him, wait i don't beg I'm begged for biting his lip, Troye smirks at me and says "Take me baby!" I moan at his words His green eyes glazed-over by dark lust, a glint that's almost making them look innocent behind his filthy thoughts, a helpless look shot across Troye's face inviting me to do whatever I wants with his body, to cause him such pleasure that make him fall apart. "gladly Sivan" .I groan and kiss him desperately again, Troye moving his hips to feel the friction of our to lengths together, something that just makes him want even more. The need quickly and constantly flowing through our veins.

I straddled Troye my knees locking his hips firmly down on the bed, Troye laced his hands into my perfectly quiffed hair and I ducked my head down into the crook of his neck and began sucking down, hard. Troye let out soft whimpers into my hair as I bit down on his neck, I soothed the deep purple mark with my tongue and pulled my head up from his neck.Troye began bucking up his hips desperate for friction, quickly I obliged and began grinding down onto him, both of us releasing sweet moans of each others names."Baby, lets do this" Troye let out breathless, if he was panting now imagine him when in done with him! *shudders*

"ye--huehahh" I try to respond but my words refuse to come out Troye makes me choke up! I'm never like this during sex, "Ty?" Calm it Tyler. "I'm fine i just got a little choked up that's all" why is he smirking, Troye stop smirking. "choked up huh?" he winked, i know exactly where this is going....

Troye's POV

"choked up huh?" Tyler knows what i meant after all I know this isn't the first time he's been in this situation, Yeah this is my virginity but for Ty, Anything, I was lost in my thoughts and before i know it Tyler is sat smirking in between my legs. "I'm about to blow your mind baby" He smirks up through his eyelashes "I don't doubt you will!" Troye get ready. Tyler leaned over and licked the tip slowly, before caressing it between his lips , "hmm mm" I took shallow breaths, lightly thrusting into Tyler's mouth, not wanting to gag him, but managing to anyway, I felt Tyler take all of me in and my eyes widened. I swallowed a lump in my throat as he ran his tongue over my length. Tyler continued to bob his head, he moaned against my length and that pushed me over the edge, the only sounds other than mine moans were Tyler's softer moans and quiet sucking sounds. He began digging his nails into my leg, I breathed out harshly, "Tyler!," twitching into his mouth. I came and Tyler pulled back with a pop, "Your turn Ty" I smirked out with a wink "Baby Tonight's about you!" I shuddered at Tyler's words and his actions.

I reached onto the floor into my bag and gave him a bottle of lube ( the same bottle that caused me all that trouble at the airport I might add) He rubbed it all over his hard length and I moaned in appreciation of the sex god that sat in front of me. Tyler bent me over the bed. I was so scared but I wanted it so bad so didn't let it show. "if it hurts, I'll stop, just let me know." Could he be any more perfect? "Okay Ty" hell no was I going to make it stop!

With one quick motion all of him was in me. I screamed in pain and Tyler settled before I nodded for him to continue after a few thrusts I was screaming in pleasure."Oh Ty right there!" I shouted and Tyler moaned in unison with me "Such a tight little think huh" he half shouted as he thrusts into me.Ty hit my spot over and over, I was close to coming when he put one hand in my hair and one around my length. He pulled my quiff and stoked to his rhythm.

"TYLER!" I screamed as I came on his hand and the sheets.He hit my spot once more "Troye! Oh God!" He released into me and fell against my back. Tyler pulled out and rolled over onto the bed. I sat up to face him my butt aching, He brushed a strand of hair from my eyes and looked at me.

"Why did we never do this sooner? Troye, I love you with my whole heart." I looked deep into his eyes and said, "Tyler, I love you more than anything, and I'm glad this happened" I laid my head on his chest and he played with my hair.

Tyler whispered, "don't ever leave me"

"I would never, you mean too much" and we drifted off to sleep.



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