The first step to acceptance

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Tyler's POV
Today is the day, Mom will be fine with us, she has to be, I mean sure Troye's young but we love each other. "Baby, I'm all packed are you ready?" Troye asks placing his bag on the bed "Yeah I am babe" I nod at Troye, I walk over to him and hold both of his hands I stare into troye's eyes "Are you ready baby? We don't have to say anything to anybody?" I'm worried Troye feels pressured into telling my Mom like he's not ready "Tilly if your ready I am ok? Your mum needs to know I've texted my parents and they're ok with us, they're happy for us and can't wait for our visit"

I'm glad Troye felt comfortable to tell his parents, I loved Shaun and Laurelle they shipped Troyler harder than me or Troye to begin with. "My Mom is going to accept us okay babe? And if not, I don't care because your all I need, we don't need negative people!" Troye jumps forward into my arms and nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck "now and forever baby" I whisper rubbing Troye's back.

We checked out and called a cab to my Mom's house, Id left single life was I about to leave my Mom too?

Troye's POV

Shit, Why am I so nervous, I saw Jackie yesterday! It's just the same except now maybe her son took my virginity and gave me the best night of my life but, difference. My thoughts are interrupted by Tyler's hand on my knee, the car had stopped "Ready babe?" Tyler said, I nodded and got out of the cab.

"Tyler honey your home! Ah Troye sweetie" Jackie shouted from the doorway. Tyler walked around to the boot of the car and grabbed my bag off me "Tyler I am capable of carrying my own bag" I said and winked to him "Your my prince T therefore I will carry you to our kingdom if I must" I blush madly and skip up to the doorway. I was getting ready for my payback and it was close..

Tyler gets outs our bags down and walks over to the couch, he pulls me next to him "Mom could you come sit please?" Jackie looks suspicious but walks over to sit any way "We have something to tell you" I say lightly biting my lip "Me and Troye... we, we have been talking" Tyler finishes I turn to Tyler nervous, instead of comforting me as I wanted he pulled out his IPhone, he spent a moment smirking at his phone screen, What was he doing? *BA DING* My phone went off that was weird "Sorry, urmm one minute" Jackie nodded and smiled, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, Imessage from Tilly. What? he was sat next to me, why would he need to text me. I unlock the screen and OH. Tyler. Body. No clothes. Nudes. OK. WOW.  HOT TYLER! In front of his mother. gee thanks Tilly, I look up to Tyler with wide eyes awkwardly crossing my legs, he's smirking, cheeky shit! but i have pay back! I just wink at him and open my photos, pay back time!

(A/N Troyes clean photo on the side)

I chose 3 of my photo's one clean one, and two full on pictures, Tyler had given me an uncomfortable situation, I was going to give him one, I hit send and added 'Oh Ty you wanna play dirty? You'll get it later ;) xxxx' I sat and waited for Tyler's reply, Tyler's Phone buzzed and he unlocked it, His eyes widened as he scrolled down and by the last photo his jaw was dropped wide open, Tyler shuffled in his seat and bit his lip towards me " Boys I need to go make a phone call, then ill be back you can tell me what was so important then yeah?" Jackie asks, Tyler frantically nods and I smile, alone again. "Sivan you sexy little shit!" Tyler says in a low tone keeping our voices down "Are you trying to make me hard in front of my mother!" maybe..Tyler got exited? man that's hot! damn now my problems worse "You started it Ty! I had to hide my little problem because of you!" Tyler giggles and looks down to my 'Problem' "Not little i'll tell you that!" jeez Tyler! I blush and Tyler starts stroking my thigh,I look up at him and bite my lip "Get here you sexy shit!" Tyler says full volume as he pulls me in for a kiss, Tyler's fulling going for this kiss as he pushes my head towards his, i run my tongue across his bottom lip and he obliges, were deep in a passionate kiss, one of the best when i hear footsteps but I ignore them being distracted in the kiss.

"So boys im sorry about that, what was I you wan....OH" Jackie says as she walks into the room, SHIT, Tyler and I pull away from eachother quickly and clear our throats "Mom i can expla.." Tyler starts "Your together arent you!" Jackie cuts Tyler off, we both nod and Jackie starts smiling "I knew it! I knew when you left yesterday!" all my nerves melt away, TYler outs his arm round me and places a soft kiss to my forehead. Jackie lifts he hand to her mouth and makes an awwing sound "Oh my goodness hunny, thats..thats fantastic! Im so glad you two are happy!" Jackie half shouts enthusiasticly. Getting up from the couch Jackie steps forward and engulfs us both in a giant hug "Oh my baby found his baby" Jackie whispers into our shoulders.

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