I will show you how loved you really are!

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Troye's POV

I wake up and scratch my chest, in an attempt to rid myself of the discomfort of tear staining, Tyler's body is curled up next to mine, in a vulnerable position, light shines in from from a crack in the blind. Tyler normally looks so beautiful when he sleeps, but now he looks distant and troubled,Images of last night run through my head over and over, Tyler thought he wasn't good enough for me?! More like was I worthy of him but I still knew that he loved me! Tyler's my everything to think he ever felt like that, to me is the worst feeling in the world! I carefully roll Tyler off of my chest and into the space next to me, Carefully I slide out of bed and place a gentle kiss on Tyler's forehead before tiptoeing out of the room. Last night Tyler was in pieces, he was convinced I didn't really love him, I was going to show him how much I did!

I look up at the clock "10 O'Clock" I sing to myself strolling over  to the fridge,I stop for a moment to admire the picture on the front of the fridge,Darren Criss, Miles jai, Sawyer  and so many other youtubers, I glace down to the bottom corner and see a picture of me ans Tyler, actually the first picture of me and Tyler, I open the fridge and just stare inside for a few minutes humming to myself, "I cant cook" I sigh to myself in inconvenience, wait "SORTED!" I half shout running into the living room and sliding across the floor to my laptop, dragging it onto my lap and pulling up YouTube i quickly type 'Sorted breakfast' and hit search. I scroll through and pull up the mothers day recipe, all the same right? It's just beautiful eggs on toast......appropriate for that specific holiday, I hit play and try and soak up as much knowledge as possible 'Today we're joined by Alex or TheAlexFrom1994.....It's scrambled egg with smoked mackerel Sorted!' 
"Right" I breath out placing my laptop on the sofa and heading through to the kitchen.

9 eggs,a loaf of bread, 2 Trips to the supermarket, a trip to the 'Overly flirty' florists, approved temporary theft of the neighbours table and chairs, A quick cry over poetry and A liquor run, breakfast was finally ready! Well...... more of a brunch, In the centre on the living room sat a round table covered with a white cloth, atop of the table sat four candles all lit and a vase of read roses off centre, so I could still see Tilly, Breakfast was beautifully laid out with a wine glass sat next to each plate.I placed a heart felt note under Tyler's glass of wine reading~

Don't have your doubts their not true, i love you always so I'm treating you!
A Poem for the man I Love
A million stars up in the sky
one shines brighter I can't deny
A love so precious a love so true
a love that comes from me to you
The angels sing when you are near
within your arms I have nothing to fear
You always know just what to say
just talking to you makes my day
I love you baby with all of my heart
together forever and never to part.

I adjust our plates and go to get my prince, I'd heard him wake up at 11 but left him for the last half hour as I finished cooking, just as I start walking I have an idea! I whip off my T-shirt skinny jeans and boxers shoving them into the basket in the corner of the bathroom, quickly checking my hair before running to the kitchen and throwing on a Tyler's floral apron, Making my way to our bedroom door frame "Morning beautiful" I say leaning against the door frame Tyler shows a crooked smirk looking up at me, pushing him self up he leans on one arm and looks straight at my apron "Have i woken up in some cheesy romance novel?" Tyler giggles "Well if you're a bird, I'm a bird" I say winking and turning round and purposely strutting back to the living room giving Tyler the view he deserves "PRINCESS" Tyler shouts after me and a shake my hips turning the corner.

I soon hear the creak of our bed and faint footsteps, I walk into our room and walk up behind Tyler, as he finishes putting his boxers on I wrap my arms around his waist "Good morning my beautiful prince" I say "It is now you're here!" Tyler says pushing his back against my chest, I start kissing up his neck, "What's going on" Tyler says and I move my hands up to cover his eyes "Come with me" I say to him moving to the side so i can lead him. We walk towards the living room stumbling over furniture and walls several times, I remove my hands from Tyler's eyes "Ta-Da" I whisper stroking his lower back "Oh Princess!" Tyler says jumping into my arms "You didn't have to do all of this!" He says cover his mouth with his hands, i pull back from his embrace and sit him down "I did" I say "Your worth so much and after last night, you just needed reminding!" Tyler blushes and looks at the table in front of him, he nods towards the note under the glass and i gesture him to open it, whilst Tyler reads i sit down never loosing sight of his face, he looks up a small tear running down his face "Troye! that was beautiful, i love you so much!" He says reaching across the table to hold my hand "So, urm how do you find my outfit today Mr Oakley?" I say getting out of my chair and making my way over to Tyler, I spin allowing him to see the minimal clothing i am wearing and he bites his lip and gets up lowering his hands to my exposed butt, he squeezes and kisses me "I do very much princess" He giggles "Shall we eat?" I say to Tyler and he hums kissing my neck "The food Tilly, preferably the food" He smiles at me and sits down in his place to eat.

When we've eaten I take both of our empty plates, thank god for Sorted food! and place them in the dishwasher, I continue to clear away and Tyler just stay in his seat his eyes scanning my every move  "Are you going to help tilly?" I ask him He shakes his head "The view is better here!" he says, I clear the rest of the table and sit down on Tyler's lap "How's the view now?" I say to him playing with the back of his hair "extraordinary!" He whispers, his lips getting closer to mine, suddenly he stops and pulls back  "Troye! Where is his table from?!" Tyler says confused, "Well It's kirsty's from downstairs, I'm borrowing it, don't you worry about anything my prince" I say pulling him back in and gently kissing him.


Yeah that was all in Troye'sPOV so ill switch for the next chapter, i hope you enjoyed it, please leave your opinions and suggestions in the comments or my inbox. Please vote and tell your friends! The more reads i get the more motivated i am to update! so thank you so much and ill see you soon - S

He's the one, I know it (Troyler)Where stories live. Discover now