He will stop at nothing

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Troye's POV
When you love something you're supposed to let it go, but I couldn't let this go, not Tyler. No matter what had happened I had to stay, for him, and I did. Everyday and night Tyler was in the hospital I stayed by his side waiting for him to come home. They won't help us find Tyler's rapist even if we tell them who did it, Josh won't be convicted "fucking rape culture" I whisper to myself squeezing Tyler's pale hand in mine. "Hey, we can handle this, I've done it before" Tyler whispers back squeezing my hand, my breath harshens as I take Tyler's hand in both of mine "you shouldn't be used to this Tyler! You should have never had to deal with this baby and I'm here to protect you, to keep you strong I know that I failed to pro-" Tyler sat up interrupting me "no" he said softly shaking his head "you haven't failed me! You never have! This is not your fault, I'm coming home today baby, to our home, why don't you go home, have a shower do what you need then come back and get me?" I shake my head as a tear rolls down my cheek but Tyler insists that I leave, I get up placing a gentle kiss on his forehead as I turn to go Tyler stops me "Troye" he says quietly "yeah?" I respond "I love you".

I walk up to the door of our apartment and my hand shakes slightly, I have to take a minute against the door frame to calm myself, the last time I was stood here I was so happy and full of promise about what could happen that night. Now stood infront of that door I feel fear knowing the last time my baby was lying abandoned, abused and broken on the floor, ravished by another man and beaten. My nerves steady and I push the door open taking one step inside. The smell hits me and I fall against the door frame in anger and sorrow, it smelt like sex and blood, two smells I didn't want together. I threw my shoes to the corner of the room and made my way to our bedroom, there was large blood stain on the ground and I fall to my knees, everything about this place is hurting me and I don't know what to do, but Tyler is coming home and I can't bring him back to this. I get up straightening my jacket and grab the sheets off our bed throwing them in an iron bin outside, I throw in the towels I used to clean up the floor and the note the Josh left for us, I throw a match on the dirtied pile and watch it burn as tears start to brim in my eyes.

Tyler's POV
"Well Mr Oakley I think that's all we need from you, we will do everything we can to find Mr J Park, we will be in touch" I knew they were lying to me, the rapist never gets caught and if he does he is never convicted, it never works how they say it does. I didn't tell Troye that the police were coming because I knew he wouldn't leave if I told him, I just want to protect him, I took him from his sheltered and perfect world and dragged him here, we go to Australia in under a week so I have some time to recover but I need to make things good and safe for Troye. My baby, forever and always.

Troye's POV
I doubled locked the door before I got into the shower and checked all the windows, he knew where we lived and I had no idea where he was! I'd gotten dressed and cleaned the entire apartment, I light all the scented candles and changed the sheets. I grabbed my keys to leave and locked everything behind me.

Tyler's POV
I'm going home now, I get to go back to my home with my baby. I don't want to remember the last time I was there I just know it hurt, and I hurt, there's a few things I can remember that send shivers up my spine to think about.
Troye pulled up into the parking lot and my heart fell a foot into my stomach, behind that door everything happened, Troye reaches over to hold my hand comforting me and I shudder the action causing me to snap out of my trauma "baby, are you okay?" Troye says stroking my hand with his thumb "yeah. I uh-im fine could we just go inside?" I say reaching for the door handle and getting out. I take on step towards the door and stop to brace myself, Tyler you can do this, people do this everyday, I take another step reaching out to grab the door handle and pushing the key inside. My hands start shaking as I turn the key stopping to rest my head against the door as I slowly push open the door I can feel my heart beating in my stomach and my insides flip over "it's all okay" Troye whispers ushering me further inside gently, he shuts the door behind us and I flinch looking across at the spot Troye found me, it was no longer covered in blood and the apartment no longer smelt like pain and betrayal, just the smell of false hope and fake security, we aren't safe, not now he knew where we were. He will stop at nothing.

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