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Have you ever felt yourself lost in music? I mean, literally; just closing your eyes and letting the soft rhythm of your special beat whispering in your ears, calming you and lulling you and tugging you towards the gateway of an ideal heaven.

Call me weird all you like, I don't mind, but I'd do that forever if I could. The music just blows away the hurtful, stabbing feelings of reality and replaces it with the peace I have grown accustomed to over the period of the last few months.

Hi, I'm Alyssa. I face reality a different way to other people. I genuinely think I'm not as normal as other people, and before you go off saying, "Oh, you drama llama, it happens to everyone," I don't mean mental and internal insanity that tons of people claim to be when they're actually normal people looking for attention that is given to them, which fuels the silly childish, daring actions, I mean my actual physical thoughts. They're pretty weird. I'd usually reply to that last sentence with a, "but then again, so am I," but of course that would contradict what this entire paragraph, and maybe possibly this entire book is based on.

This is no thriller, fanfiction, mystery or crime novel - not even a diary. This is the step into my infinite and still-growing brain, and if you don't like the sound of it, goodbye. I don't want you here, so leave your petty opinions to yourself - the door is just over there.

*skilfully unlocks massive oak doors*

Enjoy your stay.

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