6. Stubborn

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Elisa P.O.V

"Lucas can you please go home already it's 11:30 and I need to get some sleep." I sigh as Lucas started taking of his shoes and started getting comfortable in the bean bag that was next to my bed.

"Nah I think I might stay here for awhile it's actually pretty cozy in here."
"Well too bad Twinkie get out before my mom sees you here!"

"So...it's not like we're doing anything I just wanna hang out for a bit."
"Ugh your so stubborn!"
"Whatever you say love."
I sigh in defeat and turn to the table next to my bed. I grab a book that I've been reading for the past few days and began to read. Lucas notices and looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Why do you read so much?"
"The same reason why you hook up with every girl.You like it!"
I smile at my response and continue to read. He lies back down on the bean bag and I continue to read wishing that he would just go home.

I hear shuffling sounds but ignore it as I think that Lucas might be leaving. I get comfy in the bed and continue to read. I'm at the end of the book close to finding out who killed the poor boy's parents until...

Lucas grabs my book, closes it up, and throws it out the window with a smile on his face.

"Lucas what the heck! I was reading that!" I get up and look out the window and see my poor book that had landed on a puddle of mud. I look over at Lucas and he's getting comfortable on my bed.

"Get off! Your getting your dirty cooties all over it!"
"Aww the little nerd still think boys have cooties." Lucas says in a baby voice.

My Gosh can he get more annoying than this?

I go and sit on the small couch that was in the corner of my bedroom and try to get comfortable and go to sleep.
"So what do you want to do?"
"Sleep." I turn around and face the wall shutting my eyes.

"Nah let's do something fun." I get up and face him and look at him while he is sitting down on the center of the bed.

"You know night time is usually for people to sleep after a long day they had. They get rewarded at the end of the day by getting a good night sleep. Right now your not letting me get my reward, for dealing with you all day."

I face the wall and shut my eyes trying my best to go back to sleep.
"Well not for me. My rewards are also at night but instead I have fun with a girl. If you know what I mean."
"Whatever you say Twinkie." He grunts at the name I called him.

"Let's play Truth or Dare." He says breaking the silence. I ignore him and get back to sleep for like what the fifth time.

I hear shuffling noises and hoping he leaves. But I was wrong.

He grabs my waist and puts me over his shoulder. "Lucas what the hell are you doing!"
"If I want to do something I'll make sure it happens." He places me down on my bed. He sits across me and has that same smile on his stupid face.

"Lucas I don't want to play I just want to go to sleep. So can you please get out of my room!"
"No can do! The more you ask me to leave, the longer I'll stay." I grunt shutting my mouth and mentally strangling him.

"Fine let's play this Stupid Game." I give in if I don't do play he might stay here longer and he won't let me sleep.

"The only rule is if the looser denies the dare, he or she will go outside in the cold and get sprayed by the hose for 2 minutes long."

"Okay sounds fair." I say getting more eager to play this game of his. I don't really deny dares, I love playing this game with Lizzie but knowing Lucas I'm pretty sure his dares are going to be hectic.

"Okay I'll start. Truth or Dare?" Lucas looks me straight in the eye.
"Dare!" I said positive about my answer.

"Pretty confident are we?" I nodded. He thinks of his Dare and has that same creepy smile after his choice.

This Dare will be the end of me.

"I dare you to..."

Hey Guys!!

Cliffhanger? No? Okay anywho...
Hope you like this chapter loves!

What do you think the Dare will be? Another one of Lucas's schemes? Or something that will... oops I'm writing to much aren't I well.. ⬇️⬇️

See you in the next one!


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