18. Nobody Gotta Know

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Lucas P.O.V

"I've been missin I've been crushin on you all night I should take you to the moon that's a long flight- Wait! Luke why don't we got to the moon that would be fun right!"

Elisa and I were walking down the streets, but since it was a long way home I decided to buy some chips along the way.

She thought I had stole them from the convenient store since there was a cop parked outside the store. So I just went with it.

All I said was 'nobody gotta know' and she started singing some random song and saying she was a limelight, whatever that means.

"Yeah why don't we go to the moon like you said so you could see aliens as well, I mean everybody misses their families don't they?"
I said sarcastically hoping she'll get what I'm saying.

"But do you think they'll remember me?" Elisa looked up with watery eyes.

"Hey are you okay? Why are you crying?" I asked wiping the tears that where sliding off her cheeks.

"Because what if my family from the moon don't remember me." She sniffs.

At first I thought she was goofing off but then she's literally crying so this was real.

"Elisa just forget about it okay?"
She nodded and wiped off the few tears left on her cheeks.

I chuckled and shook my head from the nonsense that just happened.
She rubbed her arms up and down trying to keep herself warm. She had some goosebumps as well.
I took of my sweater and placed it on her shoulders.

"Thanks." She smiled.
She placed her arms in the sweater and zipped it up.

"Cause I've been trying to find the right way to say to you, that I would walk a million miles to find my way to you-"
Elisa sang.

I didn't mind her singing just not that exact song.
We finally stopped in front of my house but since my mom doesn't know I'm not in my room I need to sneak me and Elisa back in my room.

"We have to get up the tree and climb up to my room are you up to it?"

"Uh yeah! I was born to climb every tree I see." And with that she held one foot on the trunk and the other on a branch and started to climb up.

"Just don't rip my sweater!" I yelled she looked down and held out her thumb to signal me she heard me.

I started to climb up as well. Once I got to the branch that was next to my window, I looked up and saw Elisa sitting there on the windowsill. If she weren't drunk I'm pretty sure she would be scared to death.

I opened it up quietly so mom couldn't wake up. I looked at my bed and saw Lea sound asleep holding the blankets close to her chest.

I tiptoed in and grabbed Elisa's hand and pulled her in.
"Aww look it's Lea!" She clapped her hands in excitement.

"Shh! Don't make any noise imma go put her back in her bedroom. Stay right here." I motion my hands as she sits down on my bed.

I carried Lea out of my bed and walked out of my room. I quietly pushed open her bedroom door and walked over to her her bed.

She squirmed a little as I shushed her back to sleep placing her on her bed.

Once I took care of that I walked back to my room and found Elisa asleep on my bed.

"Can't believe she could sleep that fast." I mumbled to myself.

I walked over to my dresser and got out a shirt and shorts for me and Elisa. I went to the bathroom and changed first. As I got out I went over to my bed and tried waking Elisa up so she could change into something comfortable than a scratchy looking dress.

She opened her eyes and grunted throwing me a pillow.

"Hey wake up! Go change into these clothes and you can go back to sleep." I say tossing her the clothes on her stomach.

"But I don't wanna, I'm to tired to even talk." She flipped to the other facing the opposite direction of me.

"Ugh!" I grunt. I grabbed her arms and pulled her up pushing her on her feet guiding her to the bathroom.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Elisa mumbled standing while swaying back and forth.

"Cause it's my job. Now go change and you can go back to sleep." I chuckle as I see her tripping on her own two feet towards the bathroom.

I pull out a sleeping bag from my closet and set it on the floor. I grab an extra blanket and pillow and lay them on the sleeping bag.

Elisa walked out wearing my shirt and basketball shorts and walked lazily to the bed making herself fall onto it.

"Goodnight Luke!" She yelled as she tucked herself in the blanket on her own.

"Goodnight limelight." I whispered as I snuggled onto my blanket knowing Elisa is peacefully asleep.

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Sorry I haven't been updating as much. But I have a school going on and I swear my history teacher is gonna kill me with all this studying.  🙄😂

But I promise I will update whenever I could!

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Anyways see you guys next time!


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