32. Got Them Butterflies

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Elisa's P.O.V

Friday came and just so you know my nerves were kicking in slowly.
First it started with butterflies in my stomach when Ayven surprised me by putting roses in my locker with a note saying "I'll be seeing you at 8:00 ❤️"

Second my hands were shaking like hell when I saw him in the hallway while he was talking to his friends.

And last but not least my knees were trembling when he winked at me during lunch period when I walked by his table.

What the hell is wrong with me at this point?!

"Lizzie I think I need to go to the hospital." I put my hand on her shoulder taking deep breaths.

"What why? Are you okay girl?" She grabbed both of my shoulders and looked me in the eye.

"I got it really bad and I can't help it no more." I said.

"Oh gosh imma call an ambulance." She grabbed took her phone out of her pocket until I grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

"No! I got the nerves really bad. I can't control them and I'm gonna be so awkward on my date tonight since it's my first date! I just don't know what to do and-"

"Woah woah woah! You need to chill out girl. This isn't exactly your first date, remember Franklin in 9th grade, you even had your first kiss with him. So just remember all your techniques of being relaxed on the that date and do it on this date." Lizzie explained.

What she said was exactly true. Franklin was really cute and sweet but once I found out that he cheated on me, it was the worst feeling you can ever feel. I remember my cousin had told me that I shouldn't even be feeling this at a young age and she was right. I just shook it off and moved on.

Screw him.

"Your right and thanks for reminding about Franklin." I said sarcastically.

"Your welcome sweet cheeks." She smiled as I playfully rolled my eyes.

Liz gave me a ride home so we can hang out and she can help me get ready for my date. Even if I'm practically doing everything since I don't want her to go all out with everything.

After a long argue, I finally gave into Lizzie for doing my hair since she promised to do some loose waves.

After she was done she stayed downstairs as I headed up to my room to start getting dressed.

I went straight to the closet and got the dress Lizzie had bought for me. I made sure my door was lock just in case for Lizzie's bursts of surprises.

I take off my clothes from earlier when I hear a loud thud from behind me. I turn around to face the window when I saw Lucas bumped his head on the windowsill.

I slightly jump since my appearance wasn't at the time 'appropriate'.

"Lucas get out! I'm changing!" I grabbed my shirt and dress to cover up what I could.

"Nah I like the view. It's just outstanding." He stood there with his arms crossed staring at my body barely covered up.

"Luke! Out I'm serious!" I gritted my teeth and turn so my back can face him as I put in my shirt to change in the bathroom.

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