36. Italian Singer and Model

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Elisa's P.O.V

I ran to Lucas after shutting closed his car door. I searched through the halls for an angered boy but I couldn't see anything with a bunch of kids in the way doing PDA.

I run towards my section where my locker is and there I see Lucas leaning against my locker about to end a phone call.

Lucas P.O.V
(Get ready for a bunch of facepalms and 'are you serious' moments)

"No, no, I knew this was a stupid idea." I frustratedly ran my fingers through my hair while I talked to Michael on the phone.

"Don't say that it was just something out of your hands! You couldn't do anything about it, it's not like you could've stopped her from saying yes."

"The thing is, and don't make fun of it!" I raided my tone so he could know I'm serious.

"Dude you know I won't, I promise."

"I really do like her, more than anything else in the world. Yeah you might hear us fight and argue but she's not like other girls. And it hurts that i can't be that lucky guy to ask her out. It just hurts Michael." I sigh out and feel like a weight was off my back.

"Look I know how you feel, but you gotta make sure she doesn't know you were upset about what she told you because that my friend, can end your friendship and you do not want to go there." Michael said.

"You're absolutely right, but I just need to think things through and calm myself down."

"That's my boy! Look my friend, I'll see you in second period. Okay I-"

"Why? Is it because you got into Lizzy's pants last night..." And I swear to One Direction's hiatus that I could feel his cheeks heat up.

"Ah heck no that'd be a nightmare, I'll never be able to live my life by." Michael laughed knowing it be more like a daydream than a nightmare.

"Mhmm well I'll see you later pal, thanks for the talk."

"Anytime bro." Michael hung up and I soon put away my phone in my back pocket.

I looked up from my phone and I see a worried Lizzie standing down the hall.

She walks up to me and I turn to my locker to get out my text books.

"Lucas?" I face her and she slowly steps towards me.

"Hey Elisa! How's life."
Play it cool dummy!

"Um fine? What was up with you when we were in the car? I-"

"Oh that! Um, I just remembered s-something about my mom that's all." I stuttered in my words, hoping that Elisa would buy it. Knowing her being a smarty pants, she probably won't.

"Oh really? Cause it seemed that you got mad when I mentioned about Avery?" She crossed her arms with a raised brow. She's on to me but I'm not gonna give in.

"Oh no no no my dear Elisa." I got a strand of her hair and touched it softly. She gave me a weird look and I immediately let go of her hair.

I cleared my throat and closed my locker.
"Um no it's because when you mentioned 'date' I remembered that I was going out with this girl on Saturday and my mom didn't trust me and wanted me to cancel." I smiled while crossing my arms, leaning against my locker.

"Oh then what's her name?"

"H-her name?" Get it together man!

"Yeah what is it?" She places her hand on her hips and stood there waiting till I answered.

"Oh her name? Her name is v-er-ronica? Yeah! Veronica! That's her name."

"Veronica? I've never heard that name before. Is she new here?"

"Nope she's from Italy." I blurted out from panic. I shut my eyes tightly as I sighed in regret.

"Uh huuuhh and can you tell me a bit about Veronica?" Elisa asks while crossing her arms raising her eyebrows as she waits for my answer.

Damn can this girl be any more curious?

"She's beautiful I'll tell you that." Elisa huffed as I tried to hide my smile. "She's a model and singer! But to top it all off, she's an excellent kisser." I make a perfect hand motion.

"I would love to meet this Veronica, maybe you two should go on a double date with me and-"

"No! She, I mean we can't. She's on tour."

"On tour? But I thought you said you two were going on a date this Saturday."

"Right." I slurred out the words smacking myself on the head.

"Great! So I guess I'll see you guys on Saturday!" She patted my head as she walked past me to head on over to her classroom.

Heeeyyyy long time no see!

Btw things are gonna go down... or is it?
Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, make sure to vote, comment, and shhaaree. You can share with your neighbors, your friends, your cat, your goldfish, just SHARE! xD

Hope you guys have a great day and I I'll see you guys in the next one!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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