9. Nerds Can Have Fun

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Elisa P.O.V

I question myself.

Why does this always happen to me?

I grunt and bang my head on the tree, cursing myself for having this to happen. But now that I think about it why am I doing this?

To prove Lucas he was wrong that nerds can have fun.

Oh yeah that's right. But why did he want me to sneak flowers into Susan's house. I mean sneaking in is wrong and I should be good and stay home but buying her flowers and wasting my precious money that I could use to buy myself food. What was I thinking?

Common Elisa focus... remember that your here to prove a point!

I listen to my mind and just stopped complaining.

I gotta find a way to get out of this mess...


Lucas P.O.V 🤗

I was sitting on Elisa's bed just staring at a wall. Her room actually pretty cool but it was more of a fangirl room.

There was posters of Taylor Swift, One Direction, Billie Eilish, and some other artists I don't know about. There was a shelf full of autographed albums.

Of course being the boy I am I couldn't help it. I started looking around just curious to know what things she could be hiding. And no I don't think I'm a stalker of some sort but curiosity just got the best of me.

I have been in a girls room before but it was for....well let's say it was for different purposes...
*wink wink

I take a look on the top of her dresser to see all her laid out jewelry, most of them were charm bracelets and hand maid friendship bracelets, I picked up one of them that caught my attention I turned it over and of course it said "LIZZIE IS THE BEST" I chuckled and put it back in the little box that was holding all her hair ties and headbands.

As I look over the corner of the dresser I saw a small baby blue box. It was dusty and looked kind of old but I just wanted to see what was inside that box.

I grabbed the box and walked over to the bed. I sat on the bed and placed it on my lap. On the lid there was some smudged black ink on it and had words written on there that said

I hate getting flashbacks of things I don't want to remember...

I open it up and there was many stuff in it like pictures, bracelets, rings, and little toys like tsum tsums and Charlie Brown toys.

"She's such a child.." I chuckled looking at all the toys there was. Most of them were from happy meals and kids meals from other fast food places.

I take a look at one of the pictures and there was a man that had his military uniform on he was older than her I'm guessing it was her dad he was tall, had brown eyes, and dark brown hair. Elisa looked like she was around 8 years old she had some pigtails, a bright yellow sundress, and a huge smile on her face she looked so adorable. I turn the picture over and there was words written on there...

You will be missed Papi fly high my guardian angel 1980-2004

I stare at the picture and my heart was aching. I felt bad for Elisa just the thought that her dad was in the army and that she went through that I mean I wouldn't be able to handle it, I place the picture back in the box. And take a deep breath I wanted to know a little bit more about her. I know that if I asked her about this she would be tearing up and remembering all these memories.

I looked in on one of the pictures and it looked like she was a freshman she was with a boy probably the same age as her. I guess they were dating because she had a bear and a dozen of roses in one hand and the boy was kissing her. I turned the photo around and it said

I couldn't believe that you were cheating on me all this time after you told me I was the one. I guess you were lying to me this whole time...

That Jerk if I ever found out who he was I swear I would punch the hell out of him. I know that I could be a jerk too but every girl shouldn't be cheated on. I know that I play with girls feelings but cheating is a different story.
If you tell your girl that your only his then you should never leave her because some other fake ass wannabe.

I looked in the box and there was some rings that her ex must have given her.
I put the stuff back in the box there was still more things in there but I know I should stop here.

As I was putting everything back in place my phone started buzzing. I got it out of my back pocket and looked on the caller ID it was Elisa I guess she found out I put my number in there. I smile and answer.

"Hey brat what's up?" I said with a smirk she sounded out of breath.

"Do you even know what a night I've had?! It's 2:00 am and I can't get in the window it's locked!" I think she's a little bit mad right now.

"Woah woah slow down just look for another way in. I mean there are other ways to get in the house, right?" I said sarcastically.

"I guess so.." she sighed.

"Well go and look for another way in the house, or are you to of a wimp to do so?" I can feel her getting mad.

"Ugh... No and I'll prove to you I can do this. I'll try to get through the bathroom window."

"Good." I hung up and put the phone back in my pocket. I went and lied down on her bed and put my arms behind my head.

I know shes pissed off right now. But knowing Elisa she'll be regretting this once she enters Susan's room.

Hey Guys!

Did you like this chapter?
How was it.. I know the whole Dare thing is taking long but I think it okay to do this I mean it's my book right?

What do you think will be in Susan's room?

And what fandoms are you part of ? Me of course I'm a swiftie if any of y'all are also a swiftie i can't be anymore happier.

Don't forget to vote or comment. TBH I would love more of your comments I love to hear what you guys have to say!

See you in the next one!


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