10. Dumb Luck

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Elisa's P.O.V

Grunting and mumbling curse words.

That's all I can do.
I can't scream my lungs out since Susan will find out I'm here.

I still can't believe after all I went through... the stupid window won't open, I even had to fight with a dumb squirrel to get on this tree.

I laid my head back into the tree and just stare at the house. I take a closer look and find a small window next to Susan's bedroom. Curiosity took over and got me to take a look what was behind the window.

I slid across the branch with the basket on my lap because knowing me with my clumsiness I could fall off and break my ankle if I stood up. Once I reached to the small window, I slowly stand up and put my face against it so I could see what's inside.

There was a sink with toothbrushes huddle around it, a bathtub, and a toilet. Of course this was the bathroom. I gasped in surprise that luck gave me a chance. The window was unlocked!

I slowly lifted up the window to avoid myself from making any noise, and in happiness I put one foot through the window and placed the basket on top of the toilet. I grab myself on the wall and put my other foot in the window.Once I've landed both feet on the toilet seat I jump off and do a victory dance.

"YES!" I whispered a scream still happy that I made it inside the house. I sat on the toilet seat and take a deep breath of accomplishment.

"And now to continue with the dumb dare." I stand and grab the basket and head towards the door. I quietly turn the knob and open it just enough for me to see if the coast is clear.

I look around and see nobody there just darkness. Just like in those horror movies with that moonlight reflection, I open it just wide enough for me to exit the bathroom. Once closing the door I tiptoe over to Susan's room.

Her door was a little open so in my full advantage I poked my head to see if anybody was there. Since no one was there I quietly open the door and turn off the lights just in case someone comes in.

In her room were dark pink walls, her bed was pink and covered with some zebra strips on her blankets and pillows, and you can barely see the floor with all her clothes and high heels everywhere.

I got my basket and look for a place to put these flowers on. There was a dresser next to her closet. So I decide to place them there.

I got my phone out and start taking a video.

"Hey Lucas just so you know I finally got in Susan's room. I had to enter through the bathroom window." I say while placing the flowers one by one on the table. "So as you see I can do one simple dare. Nothing is a challenge for me, except you of course. Next time give me a difficult one. Since I can handle anything." I ended the video and sent it to Lucas. Since he somehow put his number on my phone.

I turn it off and put it in my back pocket. I grabbed the basket and left it next to her dresser. "Don't really feel like putting it back." I told myself smiling at the basket.

I was heading towards the door when I started hearing voices down the hallway. My heart was beating so fast I swear it could jump out any moment.

That voice, the one I dreaded and hoping not to hear tonight I did, it was Susan's voice and it keep on getting louder and louder.

I start panicking not knowing what to do. I look around to see where to hide I run around in circles just panicking and thinking about what was gonna happen if Susan was to find me here.I hear the door opening so I threw myself on the side of the bed and rolled under it.

I quieted my heavy breathing and just waited till I can escape.
Obviously my luck didn't last long...


Lucas P.O.V.

After I watched the video Elisa sent me all I could do was laugh, she has no idea what she got herself into...

Hey guys!

Happy 4th Of July! Hope your day is going wonderful!

 Happy 4th Of July! Hope your day is going wonderful!

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