7. Thats it?

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This chapter is dedicated to the one and only DuhDaisy *throwing confetti around the room.sorry about what happened *still laughing😂
Here's another chapter hope you like it! :)

Elisa's P.O.V

"Okay I....dare you to"
My muscles tense up and I'm actually a little bit nervous about what he's going to say.
"Hmm..." he says putting a hand under his chin touching over his imaginary beard.

"You know what?" He says putting his hands on the bed to lift himself up.
"What?" I ask
"I don't wanna play no more." He got off the bed and started putting on his shoes to leave my room. In one way I was pretty happy he was leaving but I went through a lot to get where I was now. And to let it all go to waste, I don't think so.

I got up and looked at him and raised an eyebrow "Why?"
"Well.." he said and leaving a long silence I finally got out of my thoughts and broke it.
"Well what!"
"Your..." he left another long silence oh my gosh can he be any more annoying.

But yet you still talk to him

"Finish your sentences! Your taking so long." Throwing my hands in the air frustrated.
"Your a nerd." Did he just said that. I knew that if he keeps it up I'm going to throw a tantrum.
"Well nerds usually can't handle the fact of having fun." He was completely getting me mad. Just because I'm a nerd doesn't mean I cant have fun I mean I do a lot of dumb things with Lizzie.

There was a time when we were a bit drunk (and the reason I was drunk was because she asked me to go to a party and of course I had to loosen up so I drank) so me and Lizzie wore these blindfolds and told Jacob to take us to a place we've never gone before. Long story short we got lost and didn't get home until the next day. It was scary but fun being lost, you meet a lot of new people that you've never thought of meeting. We took a selfie with a man proud to be called a hobo with his imaginary pet "dragon" Pete. He lived in a old shack and invited us a drink of water in the water fountain in the gas station.

We also met a crazy cat lady that loves touching people's hair, she had a pink night gown and bright pink hair. Of course she had about a two dozen cats and her favorite was a Siamese cat and the cats name was Igloo. She wanted to braid Lizzie's hair for fun and of course She said yes. It was weird but Lizzie kept it for the night.

"For your information, I can handle the fact of having fun." I crossed my arms and faced him right in the eye.
"Sure, you were just reading a book awhile ago and almost cried because I threw it out the window."
"Because I was getting to the good part and I wanted to find out what happened!"
"See proves my point." He gets down and starts tying his shoes.
"Oh please I know that whatever you dare me with I can handle it."
"No you can't sweetie." He gets up from tying his shoes and just looks at me.
"Yes I can!"
"Okay wanna make a bet?"

I stood there thinking for a bit my thoughts just making my heart beat faster.

"No I don't wanna play this bet thing of yours I can do the dare but no bets."
"Again you proof my point."
"You don't proof anything!"
"You just did. You think to much. And don't know how to loosen up."

"You know what just give me the damn dare and I'll prove to you that it is worth wasting my time arguing with you over just this stupid dare!"

"Okay okay just promise me that no matter what happens you won't get mad at me."
"Why would I be mad at you im the one who's agreeing to this."
"Okay you said it yourself."

"I dare you to go and buy many bouquets of flowers." He says confidentially as I just look at him confused but won't say anything because that's a simple dare.
"Okay that's simple to do."
"Not so fast, when you've already bought the bouquets sneak into Susan Willows house and place them in her room."

Susan Willows is one of those preppy cheerleaders she always seems like if she didn't like anybody or ever cared about them but yet everybody likes her and she tries to sleep with every possible boy she gets a chance with.

"Why would I ever give flowers to Susan she's a bitch and doesn't even know I exist."

"So just give it to her and she'll appreciate it and you two might just start being friends and who knows you might just become popular...." he shrugs and looks at me.

I think about what he says I really don't want to be popular. I'm happy being a loner with my complete weirdos. Even when we have our ups and downs with the cool kids. Lizzie is always there to tell them off. But if I don't do this it will prove that he was right. That I can't handle doing little dares and have fun.

How in the world did I get myself into this?

"Okay I'll do it but why did you give me an easy one? I could have done a much more harder one and you chose me to give her a bouquet of flowers."

"Not just one bouquet as many as you can get."

"Okay, okay whatever..."
Lucas goes over to my side table and grabs my phone he unlocks it and hands it over to me. "And of course you need to record everything you do nonstop. So I could know you did it and not someone else."

"Wait you want me to do it right now?" I looked up to him and got the phone from his hand.
"Um yeah that's why I gave you the dare... so you could do it right now."
"But it's already late can't I do it over the weekend or something?"
"Nope do it right now." He looks at me and I give in so I won't have to worry about it later.

"But where am I going to find bouquets at this time of the night?" He thinks for a moment and looks over at me again.
"Well the store around the corner has flowers and it's still not too late to get some from there." I grunt at him. I really don't want to go to the store right now but I want to prove him wrong.

"Okay I'll go to the store but please cover for me if my mom comes to check up on me." I grab my phone and some money I've saved for emergencies or when I'm wanting some to eat and mom won't buy me McDonald's. I put on my shoes and throw my hair up in a ponytail.

I quietly open the window and I'm welcomed by the fresh air. I sit down on the window and put one foot out. I take a deep breath and look down since I have a fear of heights. I look over to Lucas and he comes over he faces me and helps me to get my other foot out the window. "And don't forget to record everything!" Lucas whispers "And don't forget to not sneak around my room." I whisper back. "Don't worry I won't." He smiles back cheekily, in one way I trust him but I know I might regret trusting him.

I close the window and put one foot on the tree that was the closest and hold on to one branch. I got my other foot on a lower branch and started to climb down the tree. Once I finally landed on the ground I made my way towards the closest store open. Since I didn't get the keys I couldn't use the car and of course the car would make too much noise just by turning on.

I really hope I don't regret this....

Hey Guys!

Sorry for the late update I've been busy with semester finals and school but hopefully I will be able to update more...

Did y'all like this chapter?

I know it sucks but I'm kinda of trying to get better at writing so bare with me...

If y'all did like this chapter please don't forget to comment what you think about it.

Anyways see you in the next one :)

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