Chapter 5

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I don't own any of this amazing art.
Authors update on the story:
We have exams these next two weeks so In will update as much as I can but it most likely will be improv and not based on an episode.
Ok that's it I just want to give you a heads up.

Y/n Pov

I rubbed my eyes as I was awoken to rustling.I looked over to see Summer.

"Hey Y/n sooo.. since your kinda here do you want to go shopping." She asked excitedly.
  "Sure why not lemmie just change." I replied.
  "Great I picked out cloths for you already."She said handing me black ripped jeans and a band t-shirt.
  "Ready?" She asked not even waiting for an answer before pulling me twords my car across the street.I tried to turn on the car only for the engine to not start.
  "Why does your car suck?" Summer asked.
  "It doesn't its just slow, ok?" I said.
  "I can fix it later then we can go towmarrow how about that?" I asked Summer.
  "Fine" She replied.

WHOOSH a green portal then opended revealing Rick.He grabbex my arm and then pulled me into it.
"Where are we?"I asked him.

Ricks povPov

"Where are we?" Y/n asked.There e/c sparkleing seemingly ready for another adventure.They were so beautiful.
"Your lucky the car broke down or else I would be with Summer"Y/n said sounding slightly annoyed.

"And your ..blergh.. lucky I broke the car." I replied.

"But, I need that car, to like go out with friends." I said. He raised an eyebrow to that statement.

"Friends,sure?" He said  while laughing. They groaned in annoyance. Better hurry thus up.

*     *     *

When we arrived at thd icecream shop I told Y/n to stay in the car.Not wanting them to get kidnapped.I got in the shop and asked for chunky mint chip and Glogon.I sat down and then waited for my icecream and thought.Damn I wondee if Y/n likes me not like likes me but like... They like Morty yeah, I can't take Morty's crush or anything plus they to young anyway.I herd my name being called which signalled the Icecream was ready I grabbed our cones and then carried them to the car.Y/n saw that I was struggling with the "car"(ship) door so they opened it for me.

"Here" I said handing Y/n the icecream.

"Thanks Rick" They said with the perfect smile.

Y/n Pov

I gladly took my icecream from Rick.

"Thanks Rick." I said flasing him a smile.I ate my icecream as Rick stareted the ship and started to drive.I wonder why he brought me. Does he think I like Morty, hes way to young but then again Ricks to old. At least his is legal though sooo.. heh.Maybe I do like Rick he has been really nice to me.

Rick landed his ship on a planet that seemed to be deserted.

"Not only the best Icecream in the universe but the best sunset too" Rick said.I smiled before giving him a hug and watching the sunset.

"So yesterday, that jelly bean he.. are you ok" Rick askes concern in his eyes.I paused before answering.

"Well as good as I can be the bruises feel better too.....Thanks Rick." I said giving him a reassuring smile.He put his arm around me and then pulled me into him.I rested my head on his chest after eating my icecream. We watched the sunset but not as individuals but together.

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