Chapter 10

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Y/n Pov
I shifted my body to feel that Rick had left already.I mean it's not I like him or anything.I though to myself.I could already feel my face heating up even I knew that was a lie.I can't have feelings for him hes to old.I doubt he likes me anyway.I sighed, well, can't start your day without a healthy amount of deppression, can you? I said sarcastically to myself.I then pulled myself out of bed and then got dressed.This will do I said to myself. I then walked down stairs to Ricks garage.I reaches my hand up to the door to have it open and hit me in the face.
"Oh jj..jeeze Morty, you hit them in the face." Rick said.

"I.iii..I didn't mean to." Morty replied.I reached up and put my hand on my head to see blood on it.

"You h..hit me pretty hard" I said shakily.

"Damn it. Why are you always getting hurt." Rick said rolling his eyes.He offered me a hand and pulles me up into him so my weight was resting on him.

"Thanks" I said to Rick.He led me to his desk and liftes me up onto it.

"Uhh.. s s should I go?" Morty asked.

"Geeze Morty not even an apology, Jerry sure is t...bleh..teaching you how to be a dick."Rick replied.

"Oh, uh yeah, I'm really sorry Y/n I really didn't mean to I was just upset with Rick." He said.

"It's okay Morty, I know you didn't really mean to hurt me" I replied.

"Tt.tha" Morty said before Rick interrupted him.

"It is not ..fu..bleh fucking okay Y/n. He could have seriously hurt you. You both need to be more cc..bleh..careful." Rick said slightly annoyed.He then pushed Morty out and closed the door behing him before returning to my side.

"Rick, I don't think Mor..."

"Shhhh" Rick said.I looked away as he sorted through some boxes.It was none of my business how he treats his family.He pulled up some bandages before wrapping my head.

"Submissive, just how I like them." Rick said laughing which made me blush.He then looked down from my head noticeing I didn't laugh.

"Someone interested?" He said curiously.I shook my head knowing well that if I said anything I would risk ruining my free stay here.That is if he doesn't feel the same.

"Guess that's a no." He said answering his own question sounding a little dissatisfied.He then continued to wrap my head before sitting next to me on the desk putting his arm around me, my head resting in his neck.

"Do you need any pain killers?" He asked.I shook my head.

"RICK, WHY ARE MOTY'S GRADES IN SCHOOL SLIPPING? Jerry asked ruining the moment.Rick groaned before taking his arm back and getting of the desk.

"I..I I don't know Jerry mabe its because you're an un...blrh..employed idiot Jerry.I have better things to do than your job as a father Jerry. Can't you see Y/n and I were talking." Rick said.

"You don't wanna talk Rick, you'll do anything for a one night stand.You can't treat Y/n that way." Jerry  to Rick causing the whole family to listen in.

"I'LL TREAT THEM HOWEVER I WANT." Rick replied even louder making my heart break.Rick and Jerry then both looked at you shocked at what he said.

"I..I I didn't mean it like that Y/n." Rick said reaching for my hand. Jerry then quickly pulled me aside at this point so Ricks hand avoided mine. Beth then came in and gave me a hug.I could feel tears forming in my eyes.Summer and Morty next to me glareing at Rick. I looked at him he looked defeated.

"Rick maybe you should leave, we can't have you putting Y/n in danger." Beth said sadly.Rick looked at me before nodding.

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