Chapter 18

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Rick's Pov

I sighed. This was it I thought to myself.


"Try and Kill me you bastards." Was the last thing Rick said.

"Morty get me out of here." I said to him.He frowned before replying.

"Your Lucky im not a Rick." He said releaseing me.

"Guess what me and Oj dont have in commen? I foumd the real killer bitch." I said to the cidel of Ricks through the phone.

It all went by so fast all of the Ricks came rushing in and helped the Mortys.Lucky for me I had enough time to spy through their intell about Y/n.

"Lets go Morty." I said.

"Bb..but Rick waht about Y/n?" Morty asked.

"I know where she is." I replied before  turning on my portal gun and going in.We were in front of a tall white building. It wasent labed or anything, it was just bland.

"Ready Morty?" I asked. He nodded his head and followed me inside. I approached the counter. The room was alot like a hospital in the fact it had a waiting roon and a fromt desk.

"How may I help you today?" A woman asked.

"I am here to see Y/n." I responded.

"The wait is about three days." She replied not even looking up."

"Well is there anyway I can see her now?" I asked.

"Not for as long as yoy need it grandpa." She replies rudely.

"Listen here I don't need any longer than five minuets.You have to understand that she won't be comming back. Im sure you don't want to get hurt and you know us Ricks are crazy." I said.

"Ive heard every threat hun, it won't work." She replied. I leaned in so I could wisper it.

"You know whats happening she did this against her will. Im her Rick when I say shes not comming back I MEAN IT. Im takinh her home. Please, she means everthing to me." I asked deperately. That caught her attention. She looked at me and nodded.

"She is down the hall to the left.She is on her break so you don' have to worry about......." She replied.

"Thank you." I said. Morty and I heades down the hall untill we made it to the first door on the left.

"Morty stay here." I said.

"I want to see Y/n too." He replied upset.

"Not in this state, just let me talk to them, IM NOT ASKING." I said. He nodded and backes off.

"Thanks." I replied. I opened the door to see Y/n huddled in the corner. Her underwhere was almost hanging off of them from how ripped it was.I wanted to hug them but I knew Y/n was sensitive. I sat down in front of them. Their hands wrapped around their knees crying.

"Its me Y/n, were leaving." I said my voice breaking, before I knew it I was crying. Their body had brusies and blood all over it. They looked up at me their eyes full of tears.

"Im here Y/n." I said. I gently put my hand on their cheek causing them to flinch and move away from my touch.

"Im here to take you home. Im not going to hurt you." I said choaking on my tears as I said it.I reached out again and slowly wiped away the tears from her cheeks.They rested their hand on mine and pulled it closer to their face reasting on their cheek.

"R.r...Rick?" Y/n askes studdering the words.I nodded as I rested my forehead against theirs.Smiling at their warmth.They let go of my hand and wraped their arms around my neck.

"Lets go home, okay?" I said.

"Okay" Y/n said meekly.I stood up and gave them my lab coat to cover their body. I helped Y/n up and buttoned it up for them. There were tiny gaps near their hips and breasts because of how perfect there body was curved, much better than mine. I picked Y/n up as they snuggled into my chest. I knocked on the door signaling Morty to come in. I shot open the portal faceing away from Morty so he coulden't see Y/n at first. We were still on a buget for time.We walked through the portal into my garrage. I sat Y/n down on the bench so Morty could see her.

"YYYY/N WHAT HAPPENED?" Morty asked sounding shocked.Y/n just shook their head. I could hear the familys footsteps as they approched the garrage.They all bounded through the door saying the same thing.


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